Welcome to the "2023 Men's Calcutta " Event Portal
Men’s Calcutta
Date: Saturday, August 05, 2023
Time: 9:00am Shotgun
Registration Opens: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 at 08:00 AM
Registration Closes: Tuesday, August 01, 2023 at 12:00 PM
Format: 4-man scramble format. Each player signs up as an individual. “A” players will draft their team on the Thursday before the event.
Tee: White Tees
Fee: $47.00 per player mandatory, Calcutta pool buy-in is optional
Includes breakfast beginning at 7:30am
Handicaps will be determined by the player’s handicap on the signup deadline date
Draft: Thursday, August 3rd at 6:00PM
Auction: Friday, August 4th at 6:00PM
Winners invited to Champions Dinner
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