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HHMC Updates and Reminders:


Dear Members,


Quick Notes:


The HHMC Board will be holding elections at our October End of the Year Meeting. We have 5 Board positions up for election. We will need at least 2 new Board Members! The Board votes on offices at their January Meeting.


If you’ve ever been interested in serving on the Board and helping out please talk to a current Board member! The HHMC relies on volunteer Board Members to keep our club running. It’s a great way to contribute and learn how the club operates!


Members do NOT need to attend the Banquet to get paid for skins. Skins will be paid via Venmo ONLY!  If you do not have Venmo and would like to be paid skins, please sign up for one.  You can either provide your Venmo to Bill at the end of year banquet or send your Venmo or questions to


Tournament winnings (skins are different and separate) are Pro Shop ONLY and must be spent by December 31! 



Important Updates and Reminders



  • October 17 – End of the Year Awards and Banquet sign ups DUE! 5:00PM
  • October 27 – End of Year Meeting and Banquet, Awards/Elections, 6:30PM Cottonwood Lodge
  • December 31 – Last Day to spend your tournament winnings in the Pro Shop

*denotes one of the HHMC Major Tournaments




Orange Peel Reimagined:

This year's final tournament is the Orange Bastard, the forbidden love child of the Orange Peel. In order to simplify scoring, each foursome will compete in two separate formats simultaneously:

Orange Ball - Each player will rotate through playing one hole of the orange ball alone for up to 18 holes of stroke play. If, at any point, the orange ball is lost or cannot be recovered within 3 minutes, then that team is disqualified from this format and plays the remainder of the holes as a 4-man scramble.

Scramble - As long as the orange ball is in play, the remaining teammates will play a 3-man scramble. If the orange ball has been lost, then the team will play a 4-man scramble.

All teams will be in contention for the Scramble, but only those who physically return the Orange Ball will submit a score for that format. Both formats are net, no skins, and the pot will be split evenly. $20.00 total per player $10.00 each player for the Orange Ball and Scramble.

CANCELLATIONS/NO SHOWS – Please send a text to Joe (303-548-9609) or Warren (303-957-6925) with a valid excuse (emergency type stuff) if you cannot play in a tournament at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations or no shows will NOT receive a refund of the entry fee and skins, and will be invoiced $50.00 for a “tournament impact fee”. You will be suspended from tournament play until you pay your GG $50.00 invoice. No shows have a very negative impact on the tournament, especially if it's a team event. Emergencies will be considered on a case by case basis with no tournament impact fee incurred if approved.


ALWAYS check the tee sheets in the morning as some times have last minute adjustments. 

Reminder! It is YOUR responsibility to play from the tees based on the tee chart (on our welcome website) and NOT just the ones listed on Golf Genius. If there is a discrepancy you should text Joe with your correct tees! That’s way better than a DQ. 

Reminder 2! ALL players must sign up for team events and list your partner in the message to manager section. If YOU do NOT register individually than you may not be able to play.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be familiar with the website and club guidelines. AND PLAY FAST! 5 to 5.5 hour rounds are NOT acceptable.



We had some issues with Golf Genius so we'd like to remind everyone that each player is responsible for knowing their index (1), tees (2), and course handicap (3) at the start of the round, and for ensuring their scorecard is accurate (4) at the end of the round.


(1) What is your Handicap Index? Your index can be found on the GHIN app or website. This is used to determine your tees, but the actual number of strokes you'll receive is then adjusted based on the tees you're playing.


(2) What Tee Box should you play from? Our tee boxes are determined by both Handicap Index and age. The chart that determines your proper tee box is available on Golf Genius homepage. Playing a round from the wrong tee box may result in disqualification. The GG tee sheets sent out with tees can be wrong for any tournament. i.e The GG tournament tee sheet says  Blue/White and your chart says Blue – Play the Blue and let Joe know immediately.


(3) What is your Course Handicap? The number of strokes you'll receive is dictated by both your Handicap Index and your Tee Box. Use the GHIN Handicap Calculator to find your total number of pops, and then distribute them starting with the hardest holes to verify your number of pops per hole.


(4) Is your scorecard accurate? Before your group disperses, everyone in the group should review the scorecard, hole by hole, to ensure that all scores are accurate. This process is the equivalent of "signing" your scorecard, so any discrepancies found after your group has dispersed may be assessed a two stroke penalty. This can also impact skins and Season Long Best Ball.


Golf Genius isn't always all that smart, so if you have any questions, reach out to a board member for clarification. If you play the correct tees and enter the correct scores, we'll ensure that Golf Genius captures that properly.


USGA Local Rule for OB and Lost Ball - HHMC DOES USE the local rule E-5 for OB and Lost Ball. This gives players the option to take a 2-stroke penalty and drop the ball up to two club lengths into the fairway, no closer to the hole (measured from where the ball crossed out of bounds or where it was deemed to be lost). Please note that the 2 stroke penalty means that you'll be hitting your 4th shot if this is used for an errant tee shot. Players still have the option to hit a provisional, but you must choose one or the other (you cannot hit a provisional and then invoke E-5 after you've seen the results). This rule has been adopted to increase pace of play, so hit a provisional as usual if you do not intend to use E-5 (don't walk up, evaluate your options, and then do the walk of shame back to the tee).


Tees and Handicaps!

NEW Tee Boxes:  Blue/White and Red/White Combo Tees          
Age: Handicap: Tee Box:            
< 60 < 18.6 Blue             
< 60 > 18.5 Blue/White combo             
60 - 69 < 15.1 Blue             
60 - 69 > 15 Blue/White combo             
60-69 > 18.5 White             
70 - 74 < 10 Blue            
70 - 74 > 9.9 < 15 Blue/White combo             
70-74 > 15 White            
75+ All White            
75+ > 14.9 White/Red combo By choice only - MUST let Joe know prior to 1st Tournament  
75+ > 19.9 Red By choice only - MUST let Joe know prior to 1st Tournament  
Rule of 85 Age + Handicap = 85 is no longer in place, use chart above.             


The Tournament Committee posts ALL Tournament Scores, including the Rudden. We will inform Match Play players about posting.  Do NOT post ANY HHMC Tournament scores unless requested by the committee.


  • For Tournaments: The maximum amount of strokes any player will receive will be limited to 35.


Tournament Scores are considered “signed and posted” once your assigned scorekeeper submits the scores on Golf Genius. PLEASE review your scores, hole by hole, with your score keeper and after the bridge leaving hole 18. If you notice a discrepancy, please let Warren or Joe know immediately! The new USGA rule states that rather than disqualification a player will be penalized 2 strokes.


For Tournaments: The maximum amount of strokes any player will receive will be limited to 35


Posting Scores

  • Please start posting all of your Colorado Scores beginning March 15!
  • Scores from yearlong posting areas (CA, TX, AZ, FL, etc.) should still be posted after each round.
  • It’s best to post “hole by hole”. The USGA GHIN app will automatically take the correct adjustment on each hole.
  • Please review the handicapping information on our website.
  • ALL players are responsible for posting their non- HHMC tournament scores every time they play. Please be familiar with the following:
  • Post all acceptable scores, including 9-hole rounds
    • Scores are to be posted within the same day of the round being played.
    • Where applicable, proper adjustments must be applied to all scores for posting purposes, including net double bogey and most likely score. The player is responsible for knowing how these adjustments work.
    • Each player will try to make the best score at every hole in every round, regardless of where the round is played.

Fairway to Heaven – New Tournament Format

2 Man Fairway to Heaven Pick your partner.

Tees based on Chart, Gross and Net.

This is a modified 2-man scramble.  Try to keep the ball in the “short grass” (i.e., Fairway, Fringe, and Green).

Both players tee off and choose the better ball.

  • At anytime throughout the hole, if the chosen ball is in the “short grass”, both players hit the next shot as a scramble.
  • At anytime throughout the hole if the chosen ball is NOT in the “short grass”, ONLY the partner (alternate shot) of that ball hits the next shot(s) until the ball is back in the “short grass”, at which point both players resume the scramble.

Repeat until the ball is holed. Skins $10.00

Wednesday NightersWith the increase popularity of these tournaments we need to cap registrations to 40 due to daylight hours. Waitlist is sometimes a good way to get in if full. Assigned foursomes go at their assigned times. You MUST register online the Thursday prior! Food will be served after in the restaurant or on the patio. Carts are on an “as available” basis and not guaranteed. One person should act as the designated scorer using their foursome's GGID code and enter the gross scores for your group. Any complaints will ensure you go last in every tournament!


Maximum Score


The HHMC Board adopted a 'Maximum Score" for most of our tournaments, but not our Majors. This supports Pace of Play. 


Maximum Score is now, 8/9/10. Easy to remember. 

8 is the highest score you can take on a par 3, 9 on a par 4 and 10 on a par 5. Pickup and move on! 


Google Groups! Do you need to fill out your non-tournament foursome or find a partner for the Rudden?

Welcome to the HHMC Google Group!


This group offers a way to email all the Hyland Hills Men's Club members, while also allowing everyone to manage the frequency of their notifications.


New Threads - You can start a new "conversation" by simply emailing with a unique subject line (e.g. "Need one more for Gold Course, Sunday May 15th @ 11:10am").


Replying - The recipients can reply to the whole group, email the sender privately, or join a conversation via the group dashboard:


Notifications - You can also use the dashboard to set your membership settings to subscribe to "Each Email", "Digest", "Abridged", or "No Email" (in decreasing order of frequency):


Facebook - And for the more social-media inclined, you can check out the Facebook Group:




SKINS: NEW for 2023

  • SKINS will be included in the tournament registration fee!  It’s $5.00 Net and $5.00 Gross for each tournament day, per person. No need to collect money from your group! Skins will be paid out at the end of the year. This change is necessitated by the new IRS reporting on Venmo transactions.
  • For Skins: the maximum amount of strokes any player will receive will be limited to 27. This eliminates double pops on all par 3’s and the other 5 highest handicap holes. 



Tournament PlayHHMC sets all tournament tee times. Members need to call the Pro Shop AFTER we post the tee sheets Wednesday mornings. You MUST pay at least 24-hours in advance. Annuals and Player Passes are accepted over the phone.

* Shotgun starts will be allowed IF we pay in advance!



Tournament Schedule

The 2023 Tournament Schedule is on our website!


Marshalling for tournaments - If you volunteer to be a marshal you will receive one free tournament entry fee. Please email or text Warren if you'd like to marshal for an upcoming tournament. or  303-957-6925



Tournament Scoring/Scorecards: Golf Genius automatically scores you when you enter your GROSS score by hole.

  • Golf Genius scoring Only: One player in each foursome MUST enter the scores in Golf Genius for all players. At the end of the round, all players must verbally state their score is correct on each hole of the "e-card" before submitting. Players may be assessed a 2 stroke penalty if they don't accurately review their e-card verbally with the person submitting the Golf Genius group score.


Pace of Play Guidelines: All groups must keep up with the group in front of them and be ready to hit when fairway or green clears. Any group one hole, or more, behind the group in front will receive a warning to pull into position within two holes. Play FAST! Any group that has not moved into noticeably better position (less than one hole behind) within 2 holes will receive a 2-stroke penalty for each player in the group.

  • All members must be ready to help with the pin if players want it in or out. Players may continue to finish putting out if they so decide and it would not interfere with another player’s line (except Match Play unless both players agree). This helps with Pace of Play!
  • The 3-minute clock for searching for golf balls starts at the time players are near the vicinity of where they believe their ball landed.
  • Each player should make their stroke within 40 seconds of reaching their ball. This includes surveying the shot, lining up, practice shots and all “waggles”. HIT the Ball!
  • Each player in your group is responsible for keeping their group in position!
  • Balls in penalty areas should not be retrieved if group is not in position. Take your drop and play!
  • Any disrespect towards the Board Member or Marshall when being asked to close the gap or being assessed the 2-stroke penalty or, at any other time, will result in an automatic individual or team disqualification from the tournament and could also face expulsion from the club for violating the bylaws. Board and General Members (or others TBD) may be on the course as Pace of Play Marshalls for any and all tournaments and must be treated respectfully.

Season-Long Best Ball

  • $10 gross, $10 net, or $20 gross/net. Pay online. The more tournaments you play, the better you can do. Sign-up any time during the season, but signing-up earlier increases your chances of a better overall season score!
  • We'll keep track of your season-long best balls through Golf Genius (tournament play only) throughout the year. Payouts are based on the number of entries and pay-out approximately 30% of the field.
  • The following tournaments are a part of the Season-Long Best Ball:
  • Kickoff; 3-2-1; Rudden; Partner Best Ball; Match Play; Hyland MIST; Medal Play; Mid-Am/Senior/Super-Senior; and Dalton
  • Must enter a score on each hole. If you pick-up, input what you would've most-likely scored (or net-double-bogey). 


Best Practices: 

World Handicap System: Effective January 5, 2020, the USGA implemented the World Handicap System:

  • Players are able to establish a Handicap Index after as little as three scores
  • Player’s Handicap Index is calculated using the best 8 out of their 20 most recently recorded scores
  • The Course Rating and Slope Rating will be fundamental within the Handicap Index calculation
  • The maximum hole score for handicap purposes is a Double Bogey + any handicap strokes on that hole. i.e. a 12 handicap would post a double bogey + 1 max score on the top 12 handicap holes and a double bogey on the rest.
  • Handicap Index will update the day after a score is posted to the player’s scoring record, providing players with a responsive measure of their ability
  • A Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC) identifies and accounts for abnormal course or weather conditions
  • Safeguards limit the extreme upward movement of a Handicap Index and reduce a Handicap Index when an exceptional score is submitted 



New Members:

  • Join Colorado’s best men’s club and play on Colorado’s #1 public golf course! We invite you to click on the following link to read our Hyland Hills Prospective Members Welcome's You to Join Letter (PDF), which tells more about the fun and challenging course we play, our tournament events, and other important facts.
  • If you're interested in joining the friendliest and finest club in Colorado, download and complete the following form: New Member Application (PDF)


Member Renewal: 

  • Renew your membership before March 1st annually.
  • Renewals will be via invoice from Golf Genius, sent by Ross Wasserman. If you need help with your renewal please contact Ross at or Warren Blair at  

    We would like to update our roster. Please email the following to Kevin Hotaling,



    Cell Phone:


    Date of Birth (for senior tournaments):

    Year joined (or approximate):

    Emergency Contact, Name/relationship and address/cell of a person in case of an emergency:


Club Information: