THE Thursday Game


League play tee times will begin between 12:00PM- 1:00PM.




- Registration will open at 9:00AM every Monday morning by automated email invites.

- Grouping and tee time requests will be considered but are to be turned in no later than the Tuesday before the game.

- Registration closes at 5:00PM on Wednesday.  Tee Times are emailed shortly after registration closes.  THE GAME WILL FILL UP FAST, do not delay!!!


**You MUST have a valid GHIN USGA handicap in order to participate or you will play as a scratch (0) index.  All touring Pros will play at +5.o index**


Must pay normal golf fees in the shop. All USGA Rules apply, disregard any local rules past or present.  No gimmies.

Must pay game & green fee before you tee off first hole.  Once you tee off, your entry fee is non-fundable.


All "+" handicap golfers and touring pros will play Gold Tees

All golfers with a handicap between 0.0 and 9.9 will play Blue Tees

All golfers with a handicap 10 or higher will play White Tees


Cost each week for Game:
