Player League Standings

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Number Player Total Points Total Purse Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
1 Mathias Rousset 1,215.00 $ 825.00 81.4 74.6 75.0 68.0
2 Jason Bautista 975.00 $ 530.00 87.8 77.2 80.0 66.0
3 Brian Black 760.00 $ 340.00 107.2 79.6 94.0 68.0
4 Jasen Osborn 740.00 $ 470.00 87.4 75.6 74.0 60.0
5 Paul Wold 735.00 $ 465.00 81.3 78.9 77.0 74.0
6 Tom Hamilton 725.00 $ 545.00 78.9 75.5 76.0 71.0
7 Joe Ash 700.00 $ 445.00 76.0 72.8 72.0 70.0
8 Ray Smith 660.00 $ 290.00 103.6 77.8 95.0 69.0
9 Michael Kobold 625.00 $ 390.00 99.7 77.2 96.0 71.0
10 Chris Kruszynski 595.00 $ 220.00 92.2 82.8 83.0 71.0
11 Jeff Baughman 565.00 $ 285.00 98.8 73.6 91.0 69.0
12 Sam Garcia 480.00 $ 60.00 101.2 80.5 92.0 72.0
13 Lee Asnault 450.00 $ 80.00 89.8 79.6 83.0 72.0
14 Mac Mcdonell 425.00 $ 180.00 88.8 76.7 84.0 72.0
15 Steve Roderick 390.00 $ 160.00 91.0 77.6 83.0 68.0
16 Rabbonni Tacusalme 340.00 $ 65.00 94.4 83.0 86.0 77.0
17 Andy Lott 325.00 $ 100.00 98.5 80.2 90.0 71.0
18 Sean Blomquist 310.00 $ 20.00 96.9 82.8 88.0 75.0
19 Ben Altman 255.00 $ 180.00 101.6 81.9 96.0 76.0
20 Ron Nordman 205.00 $ 140.00 95.0 74.3 88.0 68.0
21 Jay Dougherty 205.00 $ 20.00 109.5 87.5 101.0 80.0
22 Rodger Berry 195.00 $ 60.00 99.5 75.8 97.0 73.0
23 Allen Walsh 190.00 $ 0.00 86.3 79.0 84.0 76.0
24 Joe Lubushkin 180.00 $ 40.00 97.0 78.0 92.0 73.0
25 Jason Stephens 175.00 $ 100.00 87.5 75.0 87.0 75.0
26 Paul Goodman 120.00 $ 20.00 100.0 85.0 97.0 82.0
27 Steve Rabinowitz 115.00 $ 25.00 111.8 89.3 105.0 81.0
28 Bruce Tillotson 105.00 $ 20.00 115.5 83.8 108.0 76.0
29 John Buckley 50.00 $ 20.00 93.7 81.7 89.0 78.0
30 Jimmy Delosada 25.00 $ 20.00 121.0 95.0 121.0 95.0
Totals: 12,835.00 $ 6,115.00