Player Roster
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Applegate, Deacon
Brewer, Anderson
Briggeman, Madeline
Chiu, Han
Coffman, Easton
Crane, Ryan
Deadmond , Hudson
Diedrich , Christian
Ewy, Garrett
Giesler, Emma
He, Calvin
Hosler, Graham
Hosler, Isaac
Huseman, Greyson
Johnston, Aiden
Lesher, Brett
Lesher, Scott
Li, Elsa
Lighthall, Gavin
Loredo, Mario
Miguel, Benjamin
Parsons, Elizabeth
Pfaff, Caleb
Schmidt, Aubrey
Schwab , Alex
Shah, Nia
Solet, Ryan
Straub, Matthew
Summerour, Luke
Trevino-Stewart, Kendry
Tymosko, Christopher
Waitlisted Players