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Message from your President

September 7, 2023 

--- News for the 18 Hole & 9 Hole Leagues ---


Next KWGA activity: Tuesday September 12, 2023

General Meeting starts at 8:30am


Note: Check-in time is different on General Meeting days.

18-Hole League Check-in at the tent outside ProShop on Sept 12: 7:40-8:20am.

9-Hole League Check-in Ladies Locker Room on Sept 12: 8:00-8:20am.


Play will start 15 minutes after end of meeting. Marsh Course will be shared*


KWGA18 “Partners Surprise - Odds or Evens” on Marsh*. This is a choose your partner Playday. When you sign up, send a message to the League Manager (Tim) who you want to partner with. If you don’t have a partner, singles will be paired.


KWGA9 “Evens” on Marsh Front*.


There will be Birthday cake in the Ladies Locker Room after play.



AGENDA for September 12, 2023 General Meeting

8:30 AM in Magnolia/Pine room

OPEN THE MEETING                                                  Joan Rendl

Approve Prior (May 9, 2023) Meeting Minutes

Pink Event Presentation                                             Bev Henderson


Treasurer’s Report:                                                    Kakie Palmer

Playday Chair                                                            Bette McDermott

Pairings Chair                                                            Bev Henderson

Tournament Chair                                                     Carrie Faulkner

Social Chair                                                               Maryrose LeBus & Kristin Shelton

Nine Hole Chair                                                         Cheree Alexander


President                                                                  Joan Rendl

Announcements from the Floor

Announce time that play will start                             

ADJOURN THE MEETING                                            Joan Rendl





Celebrating September Birthdays!


Diana Aston                       Susan Brodbeck                          Gretchen Haught


Carol Kollehner                   Kathy  Kropp                              Diane McMahon


Bonny Montanari                Dorothy Morrison                        Gail Neely


Martha Preston                   Kelly Shimanek                           Mary Tomes





KWGA18 Results of “Ace of Aces” on Island held Sept 5

23 Players    



Low Gross -  Nicole Goldman        92

Low Net -      Pola Lavin               72

Above winners advance to November Playoff   


1st Flight     

Low Gross - Lisa Leigh                 93

Low Net - Carol Feller *               79

*indicates score card playoff       


2nd Flight    

Low Gross - Maryrose LeBus        97

Low Net - Brenda Candelet          75


Above Winners Receive $4 Gift Card Credit      




Hdcp 0-24 -   Bev Henderson        Hdcp 25& up-No winner    


Low Putts:   

Hdcp 0-24     Maryrose LeBus       29 Betty Conklin      29 Bette McDermott 29

Hdcp 25-up   Corinne Sorge         36



Nicole Goldman #13         



KWGA9 Results of “Ace of Aces” Island Front held Sept 5

17 Players                        


Ace of Aces Winners:                            

Low Gross     Bobby Glasscock      61     

Low Net        Halina Kramer         39     

Above Winners Advance to Nov. Playoff                     


Flight 1                            

Low Gross     Linda Rinnan           59     

Low Net        Brenda Fishbeck      42     


Flight 2                            

Low Gross     Rose VanDinter       66     

Low Net        Beth Mengden         42     


Low Putts      Chereé Alexander    14     


Above Winners Receive $4 Gift Card Credit


CTP  Pot       Chereé Alexander             

Chip In Pot    Susan MacHugh                




Golf Committee donation to COK Charity Classic

Thank you for your help in the fund-raising effort! KWGA members contributed $100


The Charity Classic is the club's official fund-raising charity event.  70% of the funds raised go to Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM), an interfaith organization that helps Northeast Harris and Eastern Montgomery County residents in crisis by providing essential resources to move towards self-sufficiency. 30% of the funds raised go to Employee Care Foundation (EPCF), a 501(c)3 established to help Employee Partners of our family of Clubs in need of financial assistance in times of crisis.



Calendar Look-Ahead to Sept 19-21 events

For any of the tournaments listed below:

There is No Follow the Field

There are No Rain dates.

All tournament days are Ringered and count for course credit.

No root rule is in effect.


KWGA18 Minimum of 8 players required. Must be a resident KWGA member.

Sept 19, 20, 21 Club Championship Tournament –three day tournament. $20

Play will be on the Forest Course Tuesday Sept. 19,

Island Course Wednesday Sept. 20 and

Lake Course Thursday Sept. 21


The KWGA Club Champion is the overall low gross winner for the 3 days of play. The winner will receive the traveling trophy (keep for one year), a Pendant and a crystal block with their name engraved to keep forever.


Tournament will be flighted with gross and net prizes awarded from each flight.  



Sept 19 & 21 Two Day Tournament $20

Play will be on the Forest Course Tuesday Sept. 19,

Lake Course Thursday Sept. 21

Tournament will be flighted with gross and net prizes awarded from each flight.  





KWGA9 All players will have played the required 8 playdays in order to be eligible to play in the tournament.

Sept 19, 20, 21 9-Hole League Championship Tournament –3 day tournament. $15 CASH

Play will be on the Marsh Front Tuesday Sept. 19,

Island Front Wednesday Sept. 20 and

Forest Back Thursday Sept. 21


The KWGA 9-Hole League Champion is the overall low gross winner for the 3 days of play. The winner will receive the traveling trophy (keep for one year) a Pendant and crystal block with their name engraved to keep forever.


Tournament will be flighted with gross and net CASH prizes awarded from each flight.   


Sept 19 & 21 Two Day Tournament $15 CASH

Play will be on the Marsh Front Tuesday Sept. 19,

Forest Back Thursday Sept. 21


Tournament will be flighted with gross and net CASH prizes awarded from each flight.



Everyone is invited to the Lunch on Thursday Sept 21

Watch the Golfers finish their round and then stay for a free lunch.

Because KWGA spearheads the Christmas decorations for the entire club, COK gifts us this luncheon. Lunch at 1 pm. Must sign up for it in Golf Genius.



For your review (to be approved)

KWGA General Meeting Minutes from May 9, 2023

8:30 AM in Magnolia/Pine room


The meeting was called to order by President Joan Rendl at 8:31 AM. 

Minutes from the previous Jan 10, 2023 General membership meeting were approved as written with a motion by Gretchen Haught and seconded by Brenda Simmons.

Joan welcomed members to the Second Quarter meeting.  Due to impending weather, it was announced the meeting would be kept short and 9-Hole League could leave early.



TREASURER: Kakie Palmer. Joan Rendl gave the Treasurers report in her absence.

On April 18, the Board approved 2023 Budget of $10,630.00.


Membership 166 x $55                            $9,130

Surplus ($1500 of $2407 total surplus)     $1,500

2023 Budgeted Income                          $10,630

EXPENSES (not read at meeting but provided here for the record)

Kick-Off Coffee                                           $593

Play Day Certificates                                $2,200

Administrative Supplies                              $100

Northwood Interclub Dues                           $10

Monthly Birthday Cakes                             $427

President’s Cup Luncheon                          $288

Yearbook                                                  $300

Web Hosting (pre-pay for 2024)                  $22

Historian                                                    $10

Mystery Event (split 50/50 for 18/9)            $250

Committees (split 50/50 for 18/9)              $200

Championship/President’s Pendants              $700

Championship Trophy/Bases                        $100

Break Pins/HIO Trophies                              $30

EOY Brunch                                             $2,800

EOY Awards                                            $2,500

2023 Budget Expenses                           $10,630



Reminder that once a 9-Hole player has reached 12 strokes, she must pick up her ball and mark her score as 12, taking 4 putts for that hole.


Cheree acknowledged new 9-Hole members:

Cathy Barrett , Barbara Heller, Jen Pisani and Patricia Roberts transfer from 18.

Joan acknowledged new 18-Hole members:

Jane Story and Betty Conklin.

Current KWGA membership is 169. 59 9-Hole and 110 18-Hole members.



Texas Senior Women’s Golf Association annual Match Play Tournament was held April 30 – May 5 at Walden on Lake Conroe.

Nicole Goldman won the consolation match in 2nd Flight. Brenda Candelet won in 6th flight. She described to the group how she was down four with four holes to play, but kept calm, focusing on each shot and never gave up!

Ginger Dieter, Patti Kramer, Sarah Bob Taylor and Anne Viault also participated.

Next year Ginger Dieter will be president of TSWGA. Requirements are age 50 and handicap of 30.4 by tournament date and resident of TX for at least 6 months.


Note: Nine-hole members left the room.



We are doing a good job rectifying the cards to Golf Genius at the end of our round. Just a reminder if you make a correction in Golf genius, be sure to select “Save” before moving on.

Paper scorecards are a bit messy. Mistakes I am still seeing include no signature (this is a big No No!),  putts are not totaled, and no net score indicated. There is no need to circle birdies, but please circle chip ins.

July 4th falls on a Tuesday and it will not be a Playday. So July 5 will be a  9- Hole Fun Playday for the 9-Hole and 18-Hole Leagues combined. More info will be forthcoming. 



When signing up for Pots, make sure to put in 50 cents each. Watch Quarters vs Nickels.

It has helped adding an extra table at the Check-In tent.

If you must cancel after the noon Sunday deadline, cancelling earlier the better helps. Last minute cancellations may cause flights to not go well. 

Regarding pace of play, people need to be patient and encourage each other.

On other than Playdays, players should be entering their scores in GHIN every time they play. If you make a mistake, contact Tim to correct a score in GHIN. 

Bev will check into having another Rules clinic this year.


TOURNAMENT CHAIR REPORT. Carrie Faulkner. Joan Rendl gave the report in her absence.

February 14 was the President’s Cup, March 21 was Member Member match play and April 11-12 was Eclectic tournament.

June 20 will be the Member Member 6/6/6 (No FTF). Choose your partner and sign up as a team.  This will be six holes of Best Ball Net, six holes of Alternate Shot and six holes of Scramble. You must sign up with a partner for this tournament.

Reminder that there is no root rule in effect when we play in a paid tournament, you get free relief only on Playdays.  (Though the Member Guest tournament on May 23-24 TBD)


SOCIAL CHAIR        REPORT. Maryrose LeBus (and Kristin Shelton)

We are currently planning the Spring Fling. The menu is awesome this year and we have managed to secure special drink prices for the 2-day tournament.


Volunteer positions are open, and we have streamlined each position so it’s pretty easy and fun!



There is a full field of 96 players signed up. We are asking members for donations for the raffle basket. And we are passing around signup for Volunteers to help.




CLINIC REMINDER. Golf Lesson Clinic on Monday May 15. Session 1: 11am-12pm and Session 2: 12pm-1pm. $25 to register. 


Patti Kramer made a suggestion to help pace of play. Every member should be mindful to be efficient when choosing your next club. After you hit, get in the cart. When you get to your next shot, then put your club away and exchange for the next club at the same time.


Meeting Adjourned at 8:53 by President, Joan Rendl.