Message from your President
August 3, 2023
--- News for the 18 Hole League ---
Next KWGA Playday: Tuesday Aug 8, 2023
Day 1 of SUMMER TOURNAMENT on Forest * (shared course)
- Shotgun start time 9:00am. Check-in at the tent from 8:00 to 8:40am.
- Two-stroke penalty to be applied to your starting hole if you Check-in late.
THIS IS A RINGERED EVENT. Tournament will be flighted. Cost is $10 per person. Gift cards will be presented to the winners on week 2 after play. There will be gross and net winners. Reminder this is tournament - NO ROOT RULE.
We will play the same course two consecutive weeks. The best score for each hole from the two days of play will count as the tournament gross and net score.
You must play in Day 1 of the tournament to be in tournament- if unable to play the second week you will count all scores from Day 1 for final results.
For week 2, you may pick up IF YOU ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE SUMMER TOURNAMENT SCORE! If you want week 2 to count for ringers, handicap and course credit, you MUST HOLE OUT EVERY HOLE.
There is also an option for Follow the Field. Make sure when signing up, you sign up for the correct event (either Tournament or Follow the Field).
Results of “Ace of Aces” held Aug 1, 2023.
Ace of Aces on the Marsh
20 Players
LOW GROSS Betty Conklin 95
LOW NET Liz Curtis 75
Above Winners advance to November Playoffs. Congratulations!
Flight 1
Low Gross Lisa Leigh 87
Low Net Mary Ann Wussow 76
Flight 2
Low Gross Joan Rendl 110
Low Net Paula Lavin 76
All above Winners receive $4 gift card credit
Hdcp 0-24 Betty Conklin Hdcp 25&up no winner
Low Putts:
Hdcp 0-24 Betty Conklin 34 Hdcp 25&up Debbie Bradley 29
Chip Ins:
Carol Feller #2 Joan Rendl #5 Onnie Sherrer #14
Calendar Look-Ahead
Tues Aug 15: Day 2 of Summer Tournament
Tues Aug 22: “3 & 5’s” on Island*
Tues Aug 29: “Throw out 3 holes” on Marsh.
Did anyone lose a ladybug?
Someone from the 9-Hole League found this last Tuesday.
If it is yours, please text Cheree Alexander 281-507-8970