Message from your President
July 6, 2023
--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues ---
Next KWGA activity: Tuesday July 11, 2023
KWGA18 Ace of Aces on Lake* (shared course)
Regular Check-in time at the tent outside Pro Shop: 8:00-8:40am.
KWGA9 Ace of Aces on Lake* (shared course)
Regular Check-in time in Ladies Locker Room: 8:00-8:30am.
July Birthdays!!
Brenda Candelet Ara Kirby Kathy Longpre
Lisa Leigh Dede Wolf Anne Viault
Cassie Fiscus Susan Polich Angie Swanagon
Results of FUN DAY held Wed July 5 with 9- & 18-Hole Leagues playing 9 holes of golf together on Lake course.
A fun scramble Format: Par 5s = Drop Out Scramble, Par 4s = normal Scramble, Pars 3s = everyone plays their own ball. For each hole 1 best score is selected.
26 Players
And the Winners are!!
1st place....Jenny Micheletti, Kathleen Labbe, Dede Wolf, Susan Polich Net 25
2nd place....Loretta Ilges, Diana Aston, Lacinda Warfel, Maricel Lamas Net 29
Above will receive $4 gift card credit
No Course Credit or Ringers were counted for this event.
Rules Clinic:
Prior to FUN DAY play, Ginger Dieter provided a Rules Clinic. Thank you Ginger! Here are some highlights of the rules discussed.
Golf etiquette rules:
- Never talk or make noise during another player's swing or putt.
- When other players tee off, you should stand to the side of the teeing area, staying still and out of their peripheral vision.
- When your playing partners putt, you should stand in front of them or behind them to avoid their peripheral vision, staying out of their line of the putt.
- Repair your ball marks on greens and replace or fill divots on fairways.
- To help maintain pace of play, start planning your shot before you get to your golf ball and always be ready to play when it’s your turn.
- Do not talk to another player's ball.
- Do not stand on the line of another player's putt.
- If you or someone in your group hits a shot that could potentially hit another golfer, always yell "Fore!"
USGA Golf rules:
- Tee off from the Teeing Area, which is between the tee markers and 2 club lengths behind.
- If the golf ball falls off the tee before making your swing no penalty is incurred and you may place the ball back.
- Anytime you “whiff” the ball ( swing and a miss), it counts as a stroke.
- Play the ball as it lies.
- The maximum amount of clubs you can have in your bag on the course is 14.
- You must start and finish the hole with the same ball. Except when hitting the ball in a water hazard or losing it. You can replace a damaged ball, but advise your partners you are doing so. You may change balls between holes.
- Never ground your club while playing out of the bunker.
- If you think your shot has gone out-of-bounds or may be lost, to save time, you may hit a “provisional ball.” You must announce you are hitting a “provisional ball.” If you find your first ball, you simply pick up your provisional ball with no penalty. If you cannot find your first ball within the allotted 3 minutes or it is found out- of- bounds, you can play the provisional, but you’ll need to add a 1 stroke penalty.
- You may take free relief from abnormal course conditions (such as a cart path), but when taking relief, you must take complete relief.
- If your club accidentally hits the ball more than once, there has only been one stroke and there is no penalty.
Calendar Look-Ahead for the Leagues
Sat July 8: There will be no Legal play on Sat as Tues July 4 is not a KWGA Playday
Tues July 18: KWGA18 “S and T’s” on Marsh* (shared course)
Tues July 18: KWGA9 “S and T’s” on Marsh Back* (shared course)
Tues July 25: NO KWGA PLAY DAY (due to the Invited Pro Lady)
Thu July 27: Interclub at Bentwater
Sat July 29: There will be no Legal play on Sat as Tues July 25 is not a KWGA Playday
Summer H-E-A-T Tips
H is for Hydrate!
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. Try taking a drink after every hole.
E is for Electrolytes
Supplement your water intake with sports drinks containing electrolytes when you are sweating for several hours.
A is for Apply Sunscreen
Protect your skin by using sunscreen and re-apply every two hours.
T is for cooling Towel
Use a towel doused in cold water or a microfiber cooling towel to keep you refreshed.
Wear loose fitting sun-protective clothing and a wide-brim hat.