Message from your President
--- News for all of KWGA ---
May Birthdays!!
Laura Casey
Deborah Chapman
Kathy Deitz
Debbie Hanselka
Cindy Jagot
Faith Kelly
Christine Kinkead
Jen Pisani
Onnie Sherrer
Corinne Sorge
Susan Sowyrda
Tina Yin
Debbie York
Next KWGA Playday: Tues May 2, 2023
KWGA18: Playday game “Ace of Ace's - Marsh
Regular Check-in time at the tent outside Pro Shop: 8:00-8:40am.
KWGA9: Playday game “Ace of Ace's – Island Back
Regular Check-in time in Ladies Locker Room: 8:00-8:30am.
Divot Day: Wed May 3, 2023 - Island
Sign-up is through Golf Genius. Start with breakfast at 7:00, head to course at 7:30 and end by 9:30.
Your participation is a chance to earn a Volunteer point! Three points are needed to be eligible to play in the COK hosted Volunteer tournament held usually early December.
Tues May 9 is General Meeting starting at 8:30am
Note: Check-in time is different on General Meeting days
18-Hole League Check-in at the tent outside ProShop on May 9: 7:40-8:20am.
9-Hole League Check-in Ladies Locker Room on May 9: 8:00-8:20am.
Play will start 15 minutes after end of meeting. Lake Course will be shared*
Both 9-Hole and 18-Hole Leagues will each hold their Senior/ Super Senior Tournament. There is no charge for this Tournament. Everyone plays no matter their age and is eligible for regular Playday winnings. But one Senior (55-69) and one Super Senior (70+) from each League will win low net. Those winners are kept secret until announced at the Year End Awards Brunch.
AGENDA for May 9 General Meeting
8:30 AM in Magnolia/Pine room
Call to Approve Prior Meeting Minutes from Jan 10, 2023 Joan Rendl
Acting Secretary confirms Board Attendees and counts membership for quorum
Playday Chair Bette McDermott
Pairings Chair Bev Henderson
Tournament Chair Carrie Faulkner
Nine Hole Chair Cheree Alexander
Social Chair Maryrose LeBus & Kristin Shelton
Treasurer’s Report Kakie Palmer
Member Guest Spring Fling update Patty Kramer
Minutes from Jan 10, 2023 General Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Joan Rendl at 8:31 AM. Joan welcomed members to the 2023 KWGA season.
Minutes from the previous General membership meeting were approved as written with a motion by Connie Jaeger and seconded by Mary Tomes.
Nine hole members were asked to stay for the entire General membership meeting this year instead of leaving early as they had the previous year.
Joan discussed the results of the 2022 Survey: There were 57 responses (37 18-hole and 20 9-hole). One question was asked as to whether the members enjoyed playing with KWGA and the majority of the members said they did enjoy it. Members were asked in the survey what they would like as a starting time and the majority voted for 9:00 am year-round. Divot drop in the fairway was discussed and decided it would be implemented case by case. Joan thanked the members for participating in the survey.
The 2023 yearbook will be out at the end of February. Members were reminded to sign up for the Horse Races and Hole In One.
Treasurer: Kakie Palmer
Joan Rendl gave the Treasurers report in lieu of Kakie Palmer’s absence.
This is the information shared with the members:
2022 Income, 163 members x $55 $8,965.00
2022 Allocated from Surplus $2,140.00
2022 Total budgeted Income $11,105.00
Total Expenses paid $9,968.94
Tentative Remaining Budget Balance $1,136.06
Additional Member Income $205.00
Projected 2022 Budget Surplus $1,341.06
Playday Chair: Bette McDermott
Bette explained that today (January 10, 2023) would be a basic scramble. If you are a threesome, you will rotate hitting the 4th shot, hole by hole and stay in that rotation. No putt, no net, just one gross score per team with one person keeping score on golf genius and one keeping score on the scorecard.
Bette reviewed scorecard procedures. Most of the time there are two lines on your scorecard, one for gross score and one for putts. At the end of the round you subtract your handicap from your gross score to get your net score for the day.
She explained to always total your putts and to circle chip-ins if you signed up to participate in the pots. There is no need to circle birdies. You should always sign as Marker on the card you kept for your playday competitor, and sign your own card as Competitor. You should then compare the paper scorecard scores with the scores on Golf Genius to make sure they are correct. Scorecards are to be turned into the Ladies Locker room ASAP after the completed round.
Players who check in late will receive a two stroke penalty that will be applied to the hole you start on. You should indicate on your card that the penalty was applied.
If a player picks up during the round they are considered W/D and scoring should STOP on both paper and Golf Genius. LEAVE BOTH BLANK! Golf Genius scorers should immediately stop entering scores for a W/D player. Do not enter “X” in Golf Genius ever. Leave it blank. Golf Genius will provide a pop-up message that notifies the scorer that not all scores have been entered. Select “Next Hole: or “Continue” for each hole thereafter.
If a player W/D’s from a round but chooses to stay out on the course and play, no scores are recorded and the player should pick up at their max.
WINTER RULES: In effect November, December, January and February. Thru the green, which means everywhere except penalty areas you may Mark, Lift, Clean and Place1 club length, no nearer to the hole, keeping the same environment.
When we begin to play in March, root rule will come into effect. Root rule is one club length relief if your ball rests on a root or the swing path of your club would hit a root (including penalty areas). You do NOT get relief from stance issues.
The first Fun Day Wednesday will be February 22nd with the 18/9 holers, It will be a nine hole event, followed by lunch and then a rules clinic. More details to follow.
Pairings: Bev Henderson
Bev stressed that everyone should be on time to avoid the 2 stroke penalty. If you are running late check in and then get your clubs out of your car. Two stroke penalty is waived in scrambles.
If any 18 hole members have any pairings issue please see Bev.
Nine Hole Chair: Cheree Alexander
Cheree explained that the nine holers would be playing a scramble today, 1/10/23, also and that if they have 3 players they should rotate holes.
Nine hole League should always check in at the Ladies Locker room.
There is a 12/4 limit on scoring for the 9- hole League. If a player takes a 12/4 they can get course credit for the round but are not able to win the game for that playday.
Cheree welcomed new members: Joyce Gekeler, Trish Strickland, Carol Atwood, Christina Bradford, Ara Kirby. We welcomed back Rita Hendrickson after an absence.
Joan mentioned that they had some new transfers to 18 from the 9-Hole League:
Karen Gallagher, Liz Curtis, Barb Levengood, Dorothy Morrison, LeAnna Tucker
Tournament Chair: Carrie Faulkner
The President’s Club tournament will be February 14. You must sign up for the luncheon separate from the tournament. You may sign up individually or as a foursome. The Presidents will not be playing together unless they make their own team.
KCC will be hosting Interclub on Thursday, January 26th. The cost is $60 for golf, cart, lunch and prizes. The match will be a Stableford format per hole based on handicap.
Social Chairs: Maryrose LeBus and Kristin Shelton
They had nothing new to report today.
Gail Neely asked that the agenda be sent out to the members prior to the general meeting.
The Texas Senior Women’s Golf Association tournament will be held April 30 – May 5 at Walden on Lake Conroe.
Joan reminded members about the Rules clinic on February 22nd. Everyone is urged to attend. 9-Hole League Members are required to attend one rules clinic per year to be eligible for Year End Awards.
Patti Kramer announced that the Member/Guest tournament will be held on May 23 and 24 with no rain dates.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:09 am.
The 2023 Yearbook is available at Playdays, though they are now in limited supply. But all the information except the Roster is available electronically on Golf Genius.
Two new members to welcome to the 9-Hole League!
Jen Pisani
And Patricia Roberts is transferring from 18 to 9 Hole League.
Two new members to welcome to the 18-Hole League!
Jane Story
Betty Conklin