Message from your President

February 17, 2023

    --- News for the 18 Hole League ---


Next KWGA activity: Tuesday February 21

February 21, 2023: Playday game “Throw out 3 Holes”. We are playing on the Island and it will be CPO. Each organization this year will share in having a couple of CPO Playdays due to aerification and this is one of ours for KWGA18.

Shotgun start time 9:00am.  Check-in tent outside Pro Shop time: 8:00 - 8:40am.


Bring your quarters if you wish to join in the various 50 cent pots.  If you did not put money in the Closest To Pin (CTP) pot, DO NOT put your name on the sign at the hole. 


President’s Cup Tournament & Luncheon was on Feb 14

We played the Forest course in the rain, the clouds, more rain, the wind, and ending in sunshine. Of the 46 players participating, the individual having the lowest net score is kept a secret until she is presented with the President’s Cup Trophy at the Year-end awards.  But we can announce the winners of the Make your own Foursome 3-2-1:


The Low Gross Team Winners - 156:                  

Kelly Smith, Loretta Ilges, Ginger Dieter, Patti Kramer


Team 1 Low Net Winners - 122:               

Annki Lerner, Bev Henderson, Kristen Shelton, Maryrose LeBus       


Team 2 Low Net Winners - 123*:             

Corinne Sorge, Debby York, Loretta Ilges (blind draw), Connie Jaeger (blind draw)

* indicates scorecard playoff       

Above Winners (except blind draw not eligible) receive $4 Gift Card Credit    



CTP:  Hdcp 0-24:   Joy Dominque         Hdcp 25 & up:   Karen Gallagher 

Low Putts:  Hdcp 0-24: Carrie Faulkner 32     Hdcp 25&up: Corinne Sorge 29

Chip Ins:     Susan Sowyrda #14, Karen Sisler #14, Corinne Sorge #3, #11

Along with the delicious food and camaraderie of all attending the Luncheon at Lakeside Terrace, we also honored the 2022 President’s Cup winner Debbie York, and the 16 past Presidents in attendance representing 23 years of past Presidencies!

2022 Nicole Goldman

2021, 2020 Brenda Simmons

2019, 2018 Angie Swanagan

2017, 2013, 1996 Ginger Dieter

2016, 2015, 2006 Louise Hite

2011 Brenda Candelet

2010 Kathy Dietz

2009 Susan Brodbeck

2008 Debbie York 

2005 Onnie Sherrer

2004 Barbara House

2003 Gail Carter

2002 Mary Tomes

2001 Patti Kramer

1999 Anne Vault

1983 Marie Cross



It’s almost time for FUN DAY Wednesday Feb 22

This will be our first FUN DAY (10:00-4:00) with the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues. A 9-hole Golf event, followed by Lunch, and then the Rules clinic. 

First 9 holes of golf using a Dropout Scramble format. 10:00 Start time.

Second there will be a lunch in the Cypress room for $16 all inclusive that will be billed to your COK account if you attend. No ordering off the regular menu. The menu will be:

Salad: Romaine Hearts and Mixed Greens with choice of toppings and dressings.

Soup: Tomato basil bisque and Chicken noodle.

Third there will be a Rules Clinic covering various important topics led by Dick Smith. We urge all to join in the fun of playing golf together with members you may not normally play with, socializing at lunch with good food and camaraderie, and then the opportunity to learn or review some USGA rules that we all need to be familiar with. 


Next Interclub is Thursday February 23 at Woodlands

The February event of the 2023 Northwoods Interclub will be held at The Woodlands Country Club on Thursday, February 23, 2023 with a 9 AM Shotgun Start.


Information has been emailed to those that signed up.  If you are playing, bring your $60 to the Check-In table at our next Tuesday Playday. Check made payable to KWGA (or cash is also accepted). Or make arrangements to get it to Joan Rendl in advance.


March event will be Thursday March 23, 2023 at The Woodlands Traditions.

Calendar Look-Ahead for the 18 League

February 28, 2023: Playday game “S’s & T’s”. Note: It’s Guest Day, it’s on the Island and we are sharing the course with KWGA9.

March 7, 2023: Playday game “Ace of Aces” on the Forest.



Saturday Play

If you are interested in being on (or off) the distribution list for playing on Saturday, email Kakie Palmer at

In order to play "legal" so that your score counts towards Year End awards and to receive course credit, you did not participate in the previous Tuesday playday (which includes starting but then withdrawing). There will need to be two "legal" players in a division (18 or 9) to count as a KWGA official Saturday Playday. Otherwise, you can play just for fun.  


Divot Days

8 KWGA ladies participated in February 15 Divot Day on the Lake and each earned a Volunteer point and a breakfast taco.

There are 3 more Divot Days planned for this spring. Sign-ups will be through Golf Genius.  They are held on Wednesday mornings, starting with breakfast at 7:00 and heading to course at 7:30 and ending by 9:30.  You will earn a Volunteer point for each Divot Day you participate in. Save these dates:

March 8 – Forest        

April 5 – Marsh

May 3 – Island