Message from your President
January 18, 2023
--- News for the 18 Hole League ---
First KWGA Ace of Aces Playday was Tuesday January 17
We played the Marsh course with 38 players. It was a beautiful warm day, amazing for any day, but especially for January. For some of us, the Marsh course presented the challenge that only the Marsh can, while others excelled and so congratulations are due to all of you. AND the winners are!
KWGA18 "Tuesday, January 17, 2023" Ace of Aces on the Marsh
Ace of Aces Winners:
Low Gross Carrie Faulkner 87
Low Net Carol Feller 70
Winners Advance to November Playoff
Flight 1
Low Gross Ginger Dieter 91
Low Net Chris Crawford 75
Flight 2
Low Gross Karen Fennell 101*
Low Net Patricia Bazely 75
Flight 3
Low Gross Anne Viault 104*
Low Net Onnie Sherrer 73
Flight 4
Low Gross Barbara House 110
Low Net Pola Lavin 77
Above Winners Receive $4 Gift Card Credit *indicates scorecard playoff
CTP: Hdcp 0-24 Chris Crawford Hdcp 25 & up Joan Rendl
Low Putts: Hdcp 0-24 Ginger Dieter 30 Hdcp 25&up Onnie Sherrer 32
Chip Ins: Ginger Dieter #4
Next KWGA activity: Tuesday January 24
January 24, 2023: Playday game “Odds”. This will be on the Island, course will be CPO.
Shotgun start time 9:00am
18-Hole League Check-in tent outside Pro Shop time: 8:00-8:40am.
Bring your quarters if you wish to join in the various 50 cent pots. If you choose not to participate in Closest To Pin (CTP) pot, DO NOT put your name on the sign at the hole.
We are still collecting for HIO and Horse Race so bring $5.00 for the Hole-In-One Pot and/or $5.00 for the Horse Race if you want to participate in these games.
Interclub: January 26, 2023. Clubs of Kingwood is Host
The first Northwoods Interclub Playday will be held Thursday January 26, 2023 at Clubs of Kingwood, playing on the Lake course. 9 AM Shotgun Start.
If you are signing up to play, bring your $60 to the Check-In table at our next Tuesday Playday. Check made payable to KWGA (or cash is also accepted). Or make arrangements to get it to Nicole Goldman, Carrie Faulkner or Joan Rendl in advance.
Entry Fee: $60 includes golf, carts, lunch, and prizes.
Optional: $2 closest to the Pin Contest,
Maximum Handicap 36, Stableford Format.
Cancellation without forfeiture of registration fee must be made by calling the Kingwood Pro Shop at 281-358-2271 before noon on Tuesday, January 24.
(Be aware our cancellation deadline is changed to Tuesday before noon.)
If you have any additional questions or need additional information, don’t hesitate to call, or text Carrie Faulkner at 281-468-1494
It is going to be a lot fun!
Another reminder of important information
When Sign Ups are closed at Sunday Noon, you will not be able to sign up or cancel using your confirmation email or Golf Genius. Instead you MUST TEXT BOTH Bev Henderson 217-520-8599 & Tim Lovell 210-219-8004…OR EMAIL BOTH Bev Henderson & Tim Lovell at either or
Weather: Assume we will be playing unless the course is closed. If you do not want to play given the perceived conditions, be sure to follow the cancellation procedure.
Please be on time! There is a 2-stroke penalty to a player that arrives after check-in, even one minute is considered late. Apply the two strokes to the hole you start on and indicate on your scorecard that the penalty was applied.
Please be at your starting hole on time. Do not start early. Play at a good Pace of Play.
Record Gross score and record Putts. At the end of the round, subtract your handicap listed on the card from your gross score to record your net score for the day. Total your putts. Competitor and Marker must both sign the scorecard.
Please circle Chip-ins if you signed up to participate in the pots.
ALL scorecards must be turned in, including for those Withdrawing from the round.
Once you have agreed that your printed scorecard is correct, the person keeping scores in Golf Genius for the group should read each score out loud, hole by hole (not just totals) as players check their score on the scorecard to ensure accuracy. Make sure these both agree.
If there is a discrepancy between Golf Genius and the scorecard, playday scorecards remain the official record of scores.
Immediately after play, return your signed scorecard to the Ladies Locker Room. For 18 Hole League there will be a box on one of the tables to place your card (Marked 18 Hole Scorecards).
When a player withdraws, scoring should STOP on both the paper scorecard and in Golf Genius. LEAVE BOTH BLANK! Golf Genius scorers should immediately stop entering scores for a W/D player. Do not enter “X” in Golf Genius, EVER. Leave it blank (this is new in 2023). Golf Genius will provide a pop-up message that notifies the scorer that not all scores have been entered. Select “Next Hole” or “Continue” for each hole thereafter. If a player withdraws but chooses to stay out on the course and play, no scores are recorded and player should pick up at their max. Scorecards for Withdrawn players must still be turned in and marked W/D. If the player wants to record the round in GHIN, they must do so on their own as KWGA will not upload W/D scores to GHIN.
For 18 Hole League, if a player picks up at any time during the round (except Special Rule on Island #18), they are considered W/D and must follow the Withdrawal procedure.
Calendar Look-Ahead for the 18 League
January 31, 2023: This will be our first guest day and the game will be Selective Nine.
February 7, 2023: Playday game “Ace of Aces”.
February 14, 2023: President’s Cup Tournament and Luncheon. Golf will be a four person 3,2,1 format. Sign up as a four-person team or as an individual and you will be paired with a group. If you do not choose to play golf, join in for lunch at the Lakeside Terrace at 1:00 p.m honoring the past Presidents of KWGA. All current KWGA will also be able to sign up with golf genius. For any questions, contact Carrie Faulkner at or 281-468-1494.
Wednesday February 22, 2023: This will be our first Fun Day with the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues. A 9-hole event, followed by lunch, and then the rules clinic (2-4 pm).
Saturday Play
If you are interested in being on (or off) the distribution list for playing on Saturday, email Kakie Palmer at
You can play just for fun or if you did not play or withdraw on the previous Tuesday you can play "legal" for your score to count towards Year End awards and receive course credit. There will need to be two "legal" players in a division (18 or 9) to count as a KWGA official Saturday Playday.