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Message from your President


--- News for the 18 Hole League ---



Blessings to you and your family!



Next KWGA activity: Tuesday Nov 28

Our last Ringered Playday of the year.

 “Consecutive Nine - Blind” on Lake.


Check-in at the tent from 8:00 to 8:40am. Shotgun start: 9:00am.



KWGA Calendar Look-Ahead

Sat Nov 25: The last Ringered Saturday of the year.


Tues Dec 5: 

KWGA18:  Mystery Event on Marsh. This will be a BUILD YOUR OWN TEAM event. So start now to find team members and when you sign up, put a message to the Manager. Those not wishing to build their own team will be paired by the Pro Shop. The theme will be CHRISTMAS. There will be a prize for the best dressed team! No Entry Fee!


EVERYONE!!! The Year End Awards Brunch will be held Tuesday Dec 12.

There is no cost for this Luncheon. Sign up will be via Golf Genius so we can plan for the count. Note – new this year, there will be no reserved seating.





Results of “Turkey Shoot Scramble” held Tuesday Nov 21

Marsh Course         

Players 28    


Winning Teams:                                                                            Team Net Score


Brenda Simmons, Jane Erwin, Mary Tomes, Lee Anna Tucker                    58


Loretta Ilges, Joy Dominique, Karen Sisler, Joan Rendl                              59


Carrie Faulkner, Bette McDermott, Mi Ae Roll, Pola Lavin                           61


Winners received Cash prizes at event   




Thank You note from our 2023 Interclub Rep

Thank you all for playing for Kingwood in the Northwoods Interclub this year! I am still waiting on the final count of the Northwoods Interclub Tournament Chair, but after Carrie’s thorough calculations we might have won the Championship.

Also, I have been the Rep for Kingwood for the last 2 years and I want to say a Big Thank You to Carrie Faulkner, Rep Assistant and Joan Rendl, both of you were tremendously helpful. Thank you for your continuing support and friendship.

Next year Carrie will take over and will be the 2024 Representative of the Northwoods Interclub with Joan Rendl as Rep Assistant. Thank you for taking over the torch and Good Luck in 2024 with Team Kingwood.

Nicole Goldman

Northwoods Interclub Representative for Kingwood CC


2023 Team Kingwood:

Angie, Annki, Brenda C, Brenda S, Bette, Bev, Carrie, Cheree, Corrine, Deborah, Jane, Janet, Jenny, Joahnna, Joan, Kakie, Karen B, Karen F, Karen S, Kristin, Lisa L, Lisa S, Liz, Lori, Maryrose, Mi Ae, Molly, Nicole, Patti, Shannon, Susan.