Message from your President
--- News for the 18 & 9 Hole Leagues ---
Next KWGA activity: Tuesday Nov 14
Tues KWGA18: “Throw Out 6 Holes” on Forest.
Check-in at the tent from 8:00 to 8:40am. Shotgun start: 9:00am.
Tues KWGA9: Horse Race Playoff on Lake Front. RAIN OR SHINE!!
Officials: Tim Lovell, Stewart Pilgrim, & Lori Tatum
Score Keepers: Ginger Dieter & Carrie Faulkner.
Wed Nov 15: KWGA18: Horse Race Playoff on Lake Front. RAIN OR SHINE!!
Spectators to the Horse Races are welcome! Come out to see the decorated carts and watch the Races to the Finish Line!
Eddie, we are so sorry to hear!
We are so sorry to hear that your husband, Dick Frederick, passed away last night. Know that we are thinking of you and sending our support while you journey through your grief.
Billie, our hearts are with you!
We are sorry for the loss of your husband, LTC(Ret) Phil Anderson.
December 15, 1936 - November 4, 2023
Billie and Phil were married on February 25, 1967. After retirement, they moved to Kingwood in 2013 to be near family. Billie is active with the 9-Hole league and Phil in OFWW, as well as, in Church and his Barrington neighborhood. Phil was a Vietnam Veteran and will be buried at Arlington Cemetery. His full obituary is on the Darst Funeral Home website.
COK VOLUNTEER Tournament will be Fri Dec 1 on Marsh.
These are the ladies who have at least 3 volunteer points to qualify to play in the Volunteer Tournament. IF YOUR NAME IS ON THE LIST, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVITATION VIA GOLF GENIUS AND YOU MUST SIGN UP IN ORDER TO PLAY. If you don’t see your name, and you believe you have at least 3 points, contact Annette Wood at 504-491-1399 or via email aw6107lark
Cheree Alexander - Billie Anderson -Liz Andrews - Diana Aston - Debbie Bradley - Karen Buchler - Liz Curtiss - Brenda Candelet - Liz Curtis - Ginger Dieter - Barbara Davis - Shannon Elliot - Carol Feller - Carrie Faulkner - Karen Fennell - Eddie Fredrick - Brenda Fishbeck - Karen Gallagher -Nicole Goldman - Debbie Hanselka - Barbara Heller - Bev Henderson - Rita Hendrickson - Loretta Ilges - Charmaine Keene - Brenda Knight - Carol Kollehner - Halina Kramer- Patti Kramer - Kathleen Labbe - Mariel Lanos - Pola Lavin - Maryrose LeBus - Annika Lerner - Barbara Levengood - Bette McDermott - Diane McMahon - Beth Mengden - Dorothy Morrison - Bonnie Montanari - Ginny Nash - Gail Neely - Sarah Nowak - Kakie Palmer - Susan Polich - Joan Rendl - Connie Schilhab - Kristin Shelton - Brenda Simmons - Karen Sisler - Corrine Sorge - Susan Sowyrda - Lisa Stults - Angie Swanagon - Sarah Bob Taylor - Mary Tomes - Lee Ann Tucker - Rose Van Dinter - Anne Viault - Judy Williams - DeDe Wolf - Annette Wood - Mary Ann Wussow - Debbie York
Want to play in the final 2023 Interclub at Walden on Lake Houston Thursday Nov 16?
The Kingwood team is looking for one more good player for this final Interclub Playday to help Kingwood finish in first place for the year. The event is open to both the 18 and 9 Hole League. Interclub is 18 holes of golf and you will need a Handicap index of 36 or lower. Format is Net Stableford and competition is flighted, so any level of golfer has a chance to contribute points for the team! Cost is $60 (payable to KWGA) and includes green fees, cart, lunch and prize money. Optional $2 for Closest to the Pin.
Contact Nicole Goldman 832-588-8197 or if you are interested in playing.
Ladies, put a team together for Golfers Against Cancer Tournament Mon Nov 20 and you can attend the Gala on Sat Nov 18.
Go to to Register and learn more about the events.
Individual golfers and teams welcome! The Tournament is a 4-person scramble format, open event for all golfers. Individuals can register for $300, a foursome team for $1,200. Price includes Golf on the Forest Course and the Gala at Kingwood Clubhouse.
Decorating the Club for Christmas on Mon Nov 27
This is the Monday after Thanksgiving and will take place from 11am-3pm. You will earn volunteer points that will count towards NEXT YEAR’S points.
To sign up, contact Annette Wood at 504-491-1399 or via email aw6107lark This year it is limited to the first 20 people that respond to her.
Results of “Ace of Aces” held Tuesday Nov 7
KWGA18 Tues Nov 7: “Ace of Aces Playoff” on Island.
29 Players
Above Winners Will Receive Year End Award Gift Card
1ST Flight
Low Gross: Carol Feller 92 Low Net: Mary Ann Wussow 74
2nd Flight
Low Gross: Kristin Shelton 98 Low Net: Karen Fennell 75
3rd Flight
Low Gross: Joan Rendl 112 Low Net: Barbara House 77
All above Winners Receive $4 Gift Card Credit
Closest to Pin Hdcp 0-24 No Winner Hdcp 25&up Corinne Sorge
Low Putts:
Hdcp 0-24: Loretta Ilges 30, Betty Conklin 30 Hdcp 25&up:Kristin Shelton 33
Chip Ins: No Winners
KWGA9 Tues Nov 7: “Ace of Aces Playoff” on Lake Back. Results will be announced at the Year End Brunch.
KWGA Calendar Look-Ahead
Tues Nov 21:
KWGA18: Turkey Shoot Scramble Tournament. A 4 person ABCD scramble paired by the pro shop. The $10 entry fee will be paid out to winners in gift cards.
KWGA9: Turkey Shoot Scramble
Tues Nov 28: Our last Ringered Playday of the year.
KWGA18: “ Consecutive Nine - Blind” on Lake.
KWGA9: “Straight up Golf” on Island Front.
Tues Dec 5:
KWGA18: Mystery Event on Marsh
KWGA9: Mystery Event on Forest Front
EVERYONE!!! The Year End Awards Brunch will be held Tuesday Dec 12. There is no cost for this Luncheon. Sign up will be via Golf Genius so we can plan for the count. Note – new this year, there will be no reserved seating.