


Week one is just about in the books, for most of you,  great job.


Please send all questions to interclub@fsga.org in a new separate email,  that helps!  

When you reply to this email I get buried with 50-70 emails and always miss one.


Please be aware of the round that you are working in!  

In years past we have had captains access a previous round, remove players and wipe out results!

You will need to recreate the pairings and possibly enter all scores in again.  Be Careful 🙏🙏🙏


Double check all pairings and make sure the players are in the proper order by index! 


Captains please post scores to GHIN once they are entered and the round is set to complete...


You can post all scores as a competition score.



Post score round complete.png






Round Dates,  Handicaps, Live Scoring...


Live Scoring Round Profile Handicap Analysis.png



Also there may be some issues with date of rounds in the past and you may need to set the date for a round... That is in the round profile.



Update Date Team Captain Menu.gif


Thanks so much for all you do!