Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs 


Over a centenary of looking after Cheshire golf clubs. 

The Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs was founded on the 22nd of November 1920, when 36 Cheshire Golf Clubs gave notice of a willingness to join such a union. During the meeting the intention was to stage a County Championship the following year. As 'the Royal Liverpool Club' was to hold the English Amateur Championship in 1921, it was decided that the County Championship should be held at Delamere Forest GC. The Union represents 93 affiliated golf clubs within the County, providing knowledge and expertise to support them all.

We are able to offer particular advice and support on a number of topics including all aspects of the World Handicapping System introduced on 2nd November, 2020.

Golf is one of the few sports that can be enjoyed by all age groups and abilities. With this in mind, the Cheshire  Union run County Tournaments for players of all ages, in team, pairs and individual formats.

The Cheshire Union identifies existing talent and through its coaching program develops the next generation of golfers to represent the County and beyond at a National Level. Notable players who have benefitted from this program and have gone on to success in the professional ranks include Paul Waring, David Horsey, Jamie Donaldson and Matt Jordan. Thanks to our player development programs, Cheshire are in a position where its representative County Teams are able to successfully compete against their peers. We are working hard to preserve, enhance and advance the quality of golf throughout the county of Cheshire.

Mission Statement of the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs

To continually enhance the reputation of Cheshire as a leading County in Amateur Golf.
To promote and grow participation in the game of golf across the County at all levels including the identification and development of talent at all ages, enabling the County representatives to become ever more competitive.

To further the interest of Amateur Golf in Cheshire

To assist in maintaining a uniform system of handicapping, helping to introduce the World Handicapping  System in November,2020

To encourage and develop players to County and International standard

To arrange the following events:

Amateur Championship of the County , County Team Championship, Boys and Junior Championships, Inter-County Matches within the Northern Counties league and Championships.

To organise and maintain the facilities of the Cheshire Card, and the County Membership Scheme, also known as the Life Members Association.

To co-operate with the England Golf and other County Golf Unions in such a manner as to promote the game at a national level.

We are always looking for people to join the board as a director, but there are also opportunities to help develop golf without becoming a Board Director. If you are interested in one or more of the following areas, please contact County Secretary, Peter Whitehead at  or on 01244 678004 with your area of interest and expertise and your contact details. Peter or one of the Board Directors will then follow this up with a personal telephone call.

We are always looking for additional people to help in the following areas.

Finance & Accountancy

Marketing & Business Development

Event Management of County Championships and County Matches

Social Media / Web Development

Golf Course Assessment Surveys

Coaching Junior Teams


SAFEGOLF accreditation for the County in early 2021:

In consultation  with England Golf, we are working to receive full accreditation. The   County's policy documents on young people and vulnerable adults can be found by clicking on the below.

Cheshire Union Junior Golf Policy

Cheshire Union's Adult Golf Policy

We are here to help with any queries on Safe Golf accreditation. It is also best to speak with Ben Johnson on 077702 555564

and as Cheshire's Club Support Officer at England Golf.    


Peter Whitehead County Secretary, 

Bob Hamilton, County Treasurer

Trevor Jackson, County Liaison Officer