The Picard field is set! The year-long Men’s Fourball Match Play team event has 84 teams participating this year.


Please read the following information very carefully:


Field: 84 total teams allowed us to create 14 pods of six teams each. Each pod was randomly drawn.


Format: Fourball match play, with the low handicap within the match going to a 0 and every other player stroking off that handicap.


Cost: All players will be billed an entry fee of $25 and a mandatory $100 buyout to their account.


Payout: All payout for The 2023 Picard will be in credit book on the Member's account. The final 16 teams will receive credit book.


Tees:              White

                       Gold – Ages 65-74

                       Red – Ages 75+

*Will not change with birthdays throughout the year*


Handicaps: Members will receive 80% of their handicaps, stroked off the lowest handicapped player in the match, who will play at scratch.

*Player’s lowest index from the past six months will be used for matches. Handicaps will update as each match is played*


Rules: USGA Rules will govern all play, unless otherwise stated in the Local Rules.


Every team will play five round robin 18-hole Fourball matches against the other teams within their pod. In the round robin Fourball matches, wins will be awarded 3 points, halves will be awarded 1 point and losses will be awarded 0 points. The two teams with the most points within their pod will advance to the round of 32 (that's 28 teams total). The final four teams to advance to the round of 32 will be the two teams amongst the entire field that gained the most points within group play but did not advance from their pod.


If there is a tie within a pod for advancement to the round of 32, ties will be broken by the following:

1. Head-to-head match, if still a tie...

2. Margin of victories and losses.

For example: Two teams points total are the same after pod play to advance to the round of 32. Team A has won matches by 3&2, 1 up, 4&3 and lost matches by 2&1 and 3&1. Team B has won matches 2&1, 5&4, 1 up and lost matches 1 down and 2&1.

Looking at the highlighted numbers, Team B would advance because adding match wins 2+5+1 (8) and subtracting match losses of 1+2 (3) equals 5. Team A recorded 3+1+4 (8) and subtracted match losses of 2+3 (5) which equals 3. If still a tie...

3. Last tie breaker will be greatest margin of victory within a match during pod play.


Seeding for the round of 32 will be done based upon points from the pods. Seed 1 through 14 will be the pod winners, based on points. Seed 15 through 28 will be pod runners-up, based on points. Seed 29, 30, 31 and 32 will be the final four teams as defined above. Ties for seeding will be decided by draw. Once a team loses a match from the round of 32 and going forward, they will be eliminated from the event.


Matches must be completed by the dates listed below. Teams can play matches without both players present. That means, if one of your team members cannot make it, you may play one player vs two players. If one player from both teams cannot play, you may play one vs one. These two options are not ideal so please be sure to make yourself available to compete in all matches. Matches not completed by the deadline in group play will be considered losses for both teams. 


When contacting your opponents, we recommend that you contact them early within the deadline timeframe and have at least one weekend and one weekday day available to help make scheduling with your opponents easier. Please use the Membership Directory from the Club website or app to find opponent's contact information.


Tee times will not be set aside for matches. It is the responsibility of the Members competing to reserve a tee time. Once your tee time is booked, you must inform the Golf Shop so we can have scorecards ready for the match. Upon completion of the match, you must turn in the official scorecard to the Golf Shop and inform the Golf Staff of the result.


Click the button below to view the The 2023 Picard Event Portal. Reference this button throughout the year to check in on matches, deadlines and results. Also, there will be a link on the Country Club website under the Golf Tab and under the menu button on the Country Club app. Please disregard the tee times associated with each match, Golf Genius requires us to default a tee time for each match. Only pay attention to deadlines.

Match Deadlines

Group Play Matches:

1st Match – On or before Sunday, January 29th

2nd Match – On or before Sunday, February 26th

3rd Match – On or before Sunday, March 26th

4th Match – On or before Sunday, April 30th

5th Match – On or before Sunday, May 28th


Bracket Matches:

Round of 32 – On or before Sunday, August 20th

Round of 16 – On or before Sunday, September 17th

Quarterfinals – On or before Sunday, October 22nd

Semifinals – On or before Sunday, November 19th

Final Match – On or before Sunday, December 17th


Best of luck!


CCC Picard Committee

CCC Golf Staff