2022 Brett Ogle Junior Masters


Additional Local Rules - Goulburn Golf Club



(To be read in conjunction with the GA and JNJG Local Rules and Condition of Competition Sheet and the Rules of Golf as adopted by the R&A)

1. Out of Bounds

1.1. Beyond the inside points, at ground level, of any line of white stakes (with or without black tops) or fence posts defining the boundary of the course.

1.2 Beyond the inside points, at ground level, of the timber fence posts beyond the 9th green.

1.3 Beyond the course side edge of the paths adjacent to the clubhouse and car park, as marked with white paint.

1.4 Beyond the lateral penalty area to the west of the 9th hole. The lateral penalty area extends to the boundary.


2. Ground Under Repair

2.1. Areas encircled by white paint e.g. dots, broken lines or unbroken lines.

2.2. Areas defined by white stakes.

2.3 Bunker with a white stake within the boundary of the bunker may be treated as ground under repair (you may play from within the bunker as it lies or take a drop without penalty outside the bunker, nearest point of relief and one club length)  


3. Immovable Obstructions

3.1 The paths within the boundaries of the rotunda, the adjoining formed gardens and the rotunda itself are deemed to be one obstruction.

3.2 The greenkeepers compound is one obstruction, as is the pump compound.


4. Preferred Lies – Through the General Area – one club length
“A ball lying in the General Area may be lifted without penalty and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within one club length of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a penalty area and not on a putting green. A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed. If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it, moves the ball-marker prior to putting the ball back into play or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.





Players may call the following numbers and an official will attend if possible:

  1. Greg Watkinson – 0407 422 112 (Rules Official)
  2. Ed Penrose – 0405 695 034
  3. Annika Boyd – 0416 140 302


In the case of a player being unable to gain assistance from one of the numbers above, the player may proceed in accordance with the procedure outlined in Rule 20.1 of the Rules of Golf and play a second ball.



Tournament Information - Goulburn Golf Club


Tournament Office, Player Registration and Scorecard Return

  • All players must register with JNJG Staff in the tournament office at least 20 mins before their tee time on both days.
  • The tournament office is located next to the practice putting green.
  • Players MUST move straight from the 18th green to the tournament office to complete and sign their scorecards.
  • A player’s scorecard is deemed officially returned to the Tournament Committee when the player has left the tournament office. Once the player has left the tournament office, no changes may be made to the scorecard.


On Course Enquiries

Players may call the following numbers and either a rules official or member of the Tournament Committee will attend if possible:

  • Greg Watkinson (Rules Official) – 0407 422 112
  • Edward Penrose (Tournament Co-Ordinator) – 0405 695 034
  • Annika Boyd (Tournament Staff) – 0416 140 302


In the case of a player being unable to gain assistance from one of the numbers above, the player may proceed in accordance with the procedure outlined in Rule 20.1c(3) of the Rules of Golf and nominate to play a second ball. The player must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning the scorecard, even if the player scores the same with both balls.


Maximum Score Format of Play (Rules of Golf Rule 21.2)

  • Maximum Score is a form of stroke play where a player’s score for a hole is capped a maximum number of strokes set by the committee.
  • At JNJG Junior Masters Events, the maximum score for any hole is 10 strokes.


Parents, Spectators and Bag Pusher Guidelines

  • There are no caddies allowed at any JNJG Tour Event.
  • Players competing in the Boys and Girls 11 Years and Under Divisions can have someone walk the course with them and act as a “Bag Pusher”, with the primary role to be helping the entire group (not just their own player) with Pace of Play. 
  • See the JNJG Parents, Spectator and Bag Pusher guidelines for more details.


Driving Range

  • The Driving Range will not be open.
  • If players would like to warm up they are able to book a session at 2fore Golf Studio - MUST book in before - email has been sent out with price / location. 


Player Food and Drink

  • All players will be given something to eat and drink on both days.
  • Saturday will be a sandwich and drink. Players will be able to collect their food after 10am near the 10th. 
  • Sunday will be the same but players will be able to collect their food after 9am. 


Course Information

  • White JNJG Tee Markers – Boys 12 - 17 Years Divisions
  • Red JNJG Tee Markers – All Girls divisions
  • Yellow JNJG Tee Markers – Boys 11 Years & Under Division



Make sure you keep up with the group in front, carry and use a sand bucket to replace divots, and fix all pitch marks on the greens. Let’s leave the course in the same condition as when we arrived!!