2018 Cutter & Buck Western Washington Chapter PGA Pro-President


Thursday, May 17, 2018  |  The Plateau Club



Thank you to our host PGA Professional Chris Lungo, the members, and the staff at
The Plateau Club for hosting this year's event.


Please support our Sponsors

Cutter & Buck - Bryan Dickson


Pacific Golf & Turf - Pete Trudeau



Pro-President Best Ball
Professional and President or Board Member - Gross & Net
Head Professional, General Manger or Director of Golf must play with his current Club President to be eligible for the Pro- President Trophy

Pro-Board 2 Net of Four
Pro, President and 2 Board Members; or Pro and 3 Board Members

Any Board member may substitute for a President that is unable to attend.

Assistant professionals may substitute for their head professionals.

Public courses welcome to play with their Men’s / Women’s Club Presidents and Board members.

Field Limited to first 128 players entered


Schedule of Events

1:00pm Shotgun Start

6:00pm No-Host Bar / Cocktails

6:30pm Dinner


Entry Fee

$100 Per Player


Registration Deadline
Friday, May 11th at 5:00pm