
When a group is out of position at any check-point the players in the group are liable to penalty under these guidelines. Players in a group that has missed one or more check-points will be liable to penalty according to the following schedule of penalties pending final determination of whether a breach or breaches of these guidelines have occurred:

Check-points will be on completion (flagstick in the hole) of the 9th and 18th holes.

                1st missed check-point – liable to a one stroke penalty

                2nd missed check-point – liable to a two stroke penalty (total of three strokes for the round)


Allotted Time

Play is in groups of three. Each group is allotted 2 hours and 23 minutes to complete holes 1-9 of the round and 2 hours and 22 minutes to complete holes 10-18, with a 5 minute turn time, at a pace in accordance with the attached time chart. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason - it must regain its position. Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking or shuttle time between holes is included in the allotted time.


Definition of “Out of Position” – Stroke Play

FIRST GROUP: The first group is out of position if takes more than the allotted time to finish a check-point hole (see below check-point time table).


Check-Points: Play of the following check-point holes must be completed in the following amount of time:

   Hole   #9                                                2:23 (Starting on 1)

Hole #18                                             4:50 (Starting on 1)


       Hole   #18                                                2:22 (Starting on 10)

   Hole #9                                                4:50 (Starting on 10)


FOLLOWING GROUPS: A following group is out of position if it

                                                (a) takes more than the allotted time to finish a check-point hole and

                                                (b) completes play of a check-point hole more than 14 minutes after the preceding group      

                                                    completed play of that hole.


Time charts outlining the time per hole, including the finish times for the check-point holes, are:


Group Out Of Position

When a group is out of position at a check-point, it will be notified by a Check-Point Official. When a group has been notified of a missed check-point, that group is expected to regain its position before reaching the next check-point. If that group reaches the next check-point out of position each player in the group may incur the applicable penalty for a breach of these guidelines.

Any group that is out of position may be monitored by a Rules Rover.

A player concerned about a non-responsive (slow) fellow-competitor in his group, who is delaying play, should request a Rules Rover to monitor the group in case the group is or becomes liable to penalty under these guidelines.


Final Determination Regarding Breach / Review Process

Before returning his score card, a player who is liable for penalty during his round may consult with the Pace of Play Committee to determine if he has incurred a penalty under these guidelines. The Pace of Play Committee will determine that a player who has been found to be out of position is not in breach of these guidelines only if:

                (a) the player was delayed by the Committee; or

                (b) the player was delayed by a circumstance beyond control of the player or the group;  or                                                          

                (c) the player was delayed by another player in the group.

A player who was out of position during his round and who elects not to consult with the Pace of Play Committee to determine whether he was in breach of these guidelines is deemed to be in breach of these guidelines and incurs a penalty or penalties according to the above schedule of penalties.

If a player or group incurs a penalty, penalties are to be applied to the check-point hole where the breach occurred.