2018 U.S. Amateur Championship


Championship Venue: Pebble Beach Golf Links, Pebble Beach, CA

U.S. Amateur Website


2018 U.S. Amateur Championship Qualfier in Utah

Date: Monday, July 16th, 2018

Venue: Soldier Hollow Golf Course (Silver)

Number of qualifying spots:


Event Resources:  (Click the links for more information)
*Pace of Play Guidelines

*USGA Event Information document

*Mobility impaired Spectators document 


PRACTICE ROUNDS: Contact the golf shop for tee times 435-654-7442.  



Golf shirts (including mock neck) are required.  Players may wear golf shorts of the appropriate length.  No tank-tops, t-shirts, denim, levis, or sandal style golf shoes are allowed.  All other dress codes which have been dictated by the club must be adhered to.



In Local and Sectional qualifying and in the Championship proper, the player's clubs must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in The Rules of Golf that are effective from January 1, 2010.


Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - four strokes. If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly.

*Any club or clubs carried in breach of this condition must be declared out of play by the player to his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. If the player fails to do so, he is disqualified.


CONDITION: Disqualification.


Qualifying Rounds - A player may provide his own caddie. If she wishes to have the host club furnish a caddie, she should ask the Official in Charge because sufficient caddies may not be available at the host club.



It is a condition at all qualifying sites unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk on this entry application that shoes with traditionally-designed spikes (regardless of composition, i.e., ceramic, plastic, etc.) or spikes, regardless of design, comprised either entirely or partially of metal (if such metal may come in contact with the course) are prohibited during the stipulated round. Penalty for breach of this condition: DISQUALIFICATION



Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorized by the Committee. The optional condition prescribed in Appendix I of The Rules of Golf will be in effect.

As a general rule, players and their caddies must walk the course at USGA Championships and at most qualifying rounds. But consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a disabled player or caddie may be permitted to use a golf cart as an accommodation to his or her disability for those events where golf carts are not allowed. As required by the ADA, the USGA will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis.

In order for the USGA to properly evaluate the merits of such requests, while maintaining the fundamental fairness of the golf competition, it is necessary for players requesting this accommodation (whether submitted by the player, by the player for the player’s caddie or by the parent/legal guardian of a minor player) to submit medical documentation to facilitate that analysis. The documentation provided must demonstrate: (1) a player’s (or caddie’s) disability as defined by the ADA; (2) the medical need for the golf cart that results from that disability; and (3) that by providing a golf cart to a player or caddie in that particular circumstance, the USGA would not be fundamentally altering the fairness of the competition by providing a player with an advantage over other players. The required form entitled

Golf Cart Request

Form (as well as additional important information for first time and subsequent requests for a cart) is available at the following link: www.usga.org/champs/ada



Only brands of golf balls on the most current USGA List of Conforming Golf Balls and driver heads on the most current USGA List of Conforming Driver Heads may be used. Updated lists may be found on the USGA website at www.usga.org or by contacting the USGA Equipment Standards Department at (908) 234-2300.

The so-called "One-Ball Rule," the optional condition prescribed in Appendix I of The Rules of Golf, will be in effect.