Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Bob Allshouse | 5.0 |
Bob Crnjarich | +0.3 |
Bob Ofcharka | 0.6 |
Bob Paris | |
Craig Borst | 5.3 |
Dan Ireland | |
Dario Cipriani | 5.9 |
Daryl Booher | 5.2 |
Dave Fyock | 7.5 |
David Brown | +1.7 |
David Denezza | 3.2 |
David Fuhrer | 7.3 |
Dick Eckert | 5.8 |
Doug Fugate | 4.4 |
Ed Strickler | 7.3 |
Edward Mcfarland | 3.0 |
Edward Podufal | 0.7 |
Gary Lilly | 2.1 |
Gene Hammell | 6.9 |
George Bilowick | 4.9 |
Homer Capotis | 8.6 |
James Boughner | 3.2 |
James Markovitz | 1.1 |
James Marron | 6.3 |
James Toras | 9.6 |
Jim Zemencik | 6.7 |
Joe Juliano | |
Joe Ruby | |
John Jones | 1.9 |
John Rodney | 0.4 |
Joseph Corsi | 1.3 |
Mark Studer | 5.4 |
Martin Slovonic | 2.3 |
Michael Capotis | 4.9 |
Michael Courtad | 4.9 |
Michael McGuire | 1.8 |
Mike Montelone | 2.9 |
Mike Trombetta | 2.7 |
Paul Bangor | |
Paul Mazeski | 0.1 |
Paul Salera | |
Roger Baker | 9.6 |
Ron Hinish | 2.0 |
Steve Huston | 4.2 |
William Wigton | 2.0 |