Gross/Net (ToC) (Sat, April 1)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Bailey, Bruce
Bartha, Rob
Basone, John
Bell, Roy
Bidwell, Jim
Blair, Scott
Bourn, James
Bucci, David
Byrne, Michael
Castanho, Paul
Christopher, Matt
Clay, Richard
Clegg, Robert
Cooke, Stephen
Covey, George
Crowley, Jay
Dura, Joseph
Eagen, Michael
Felciano, Dick
Finucane, Larry
Flis, Nate
Frey, Ron
Graham, Jeff
Grennan, Paul
Hajdun, Mike
Hartnett, Robert
Hayes, Bob
Hornbostel, Charles
Jones, William
Kokoszka, Kevin
Kosloffsky, David
Kosloffsky, Michael
Leblanc, Joe
Martinez, Marcos
Midura, John
Mogielnicki, Kurt
Mullaney, Richard
Nieman, William
Nodden, Jeff
Noel, Michael
Nokes, David
Perillo, Aaron
Peterson, Michael
Pickrell, Tom
Plecan, Michael
Plumley, Chris
Reiser, Matt
Rutka, Joe
Sanders, Don
Sargent, Gary
Signorello, Paul
Starnick, William
Stone, David
Sutherland, Brett
Tarnowski , Art
Tarnowski, Anthony
Valvo, Paul
Velazquez, Jesus
Wampold, Mike
Wheeler, Mike
Wininger, Bill
Zeleznicky, Frank