Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Aronsson, Stig | 4.3 |
Arouca, Dennis | 4.5 |
Bosis, Daniel | 1.4 |
Bruce, Grant | 1.3 |
Buettner, Kerry | 0.4 |
Claus, BJ | 4.3 |
Crowther, John | 1.7 |
Dawe, Dale | 5.1 |
Fadel, Alan | 2.1 |
Fugenschuh, David | 3.2 |
Goldstein, Steve | 0.9 |
Harris, Ian | +0.3 |
Harris, Jeff | 5.5 |
Hehn, Jay | 3.7 |
Holowicki, Mark | 2.8 |
Jeske, Steve | 1.3 |
Jona, Ron | 3.4 |
Lebarre, Michael | 1.5 |
Levan, David | 0.0 |
Lewis, Randy | 1.8 |
Maddalena, Steve | +2.5 |
Mcanulty, Gerard | 3.6 |
Mcavoy, Kevin | 2.4 |
Mcilroy, Jim | 4.6 |
Mitroka, John | 1.7 |
Ojeda, Peter | 1.8 |
Parker, Michael | 1.3 |
Parran, William | 6.8 |
Pattullo, Mark | 3.2 |
Perrine, Ron | 1.5 |
Petrovich, Scott | 0.8 |
Phillion, Jay | 4.0 |
Potluri, Satesh | 2.5 |
Raymond, Mike | +0.3 |
Schultz, David | 4.0 |
Self, Roger | |
Simmons, Don | 3.1 |
Smorch, Michael | 2.8 |
Stacy, Thomas | 4.1 |
Vreeland, Greg | 0.9 |
Zoerhoff, Michael | 2.4 |