Welcome to the 23rd Annual 2022 IHSAA Girls Fall Preview



HOST SCHOOL:                   Carmel High School


COURSE:                               Prairie View Golf Club – The Home of the IHSAA State Finals

HOST PROFESSIONAL:      Jake Peacock, PGA Head Golf Professional


LOCATION:                          Carmel, IN – 7000 Longest Drive (317) 816-3100 ext.1

DATE:                                    Saturday, August 6, 2022


PARTICIPATING TEAMS:  Batesville, Carmel, Castle, Center Grove, Columbus North, Crown Point, Floyd Central, Fort Wayne Carroll,                                                          Franklin Community, Guerin Catholic, Hamilton Southeastern, Homestead, Lapel, Noblesville, NorthWood,                                                           Penn, Western, Westfield, Zionsville


ENTRY FEES:                       Paid by each participating school, $250.00 includes range balls, box lunch, and entry fees.  Pay “Carmel High

                                               School” directly as we will pay the course.


SAFETY PROTOCOLS:       In the event of a weather delay… All players, coaches and spectators must go to their team vehicle or car.


PRACTICE ROUNDS:         317.816.3100 ext. 1… $49. Times must be booked by the Coach.


SHOTGUN TIME:                Shotgun at 1:00 pm. PAIRINGS


SCORING/TIES:                   Each team will play five players and count the low four scores.  The girls will be responsible for keeping score                                                       on the Golf Genius Mobile App during the round, but only 1 player from each group will keep scores for all                                                             players. There will be a sudden death playoff for the Medalist, starting hole TBD.  For team ties, the 5th                                                                   score shall be used.  If a tie remains, a sudden death playoff with the entire team will determine the champion.                                                         All other ties will be based on back nine score, then front nine score, and if still tied, we will use most difficult                                                         handicap holes to determine a winner.


SPECTATOR CARTS:          Will be available on a first-come, first serve basis at 10:00 am, August 6th. There will be 50 available, with a                                                           max of 1 purchase per person. Spectator Carts will cost $49.


COOLERS:                            PERSONAL COOLERS ARE NOT PERMITTED for the event per course rules. Coaches are welcome to use                                                         the golf course’s coolers on the golf cart for their team members ONLY.


COACH’S PACKET:             Available at golf shop counter upon check-in.  Please check in at least 30 minutes prior to tee time. Drop zones                                                       on 12 and 15. There will be NO special rules for heather/fescue/high grass areas.


BOXED LUNCHES:             Available starting at 11:30 a.m.