Our events are focused on having FUN and playing FAST with the goal of a 4 hour round. To that end we have placed the following rules in effect for our tournaments:


A player not on the tee box and ready to play at their tee time will receive a 2-stroke penalty. If still not on the tee box five minutes after your tee time, you will be DQ'd. There will be no refund of green fees, prize pool, or skins money. No exceptions.



This rule is in effect for all 417GC stroke play events. If you have achieved a quadruple bogey (+4) on any hole, you are to pick up your ball and proceed to the next tee box.



Members shall not play any practice shot on or near the putting green of the hole last played in any 417GC stroke play event. If a practice shot is played on or near the putting green of the hole last played, the player shall incur a penalty of 2-strokes at the next hole, except that in the case of the last hole of the round, he incurs the penalty at that hole.



If you find a ball during your round that is not your ball, LEAVE IT WHERE IT LIES.  Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification from the event.



If you elect to hit a "Provisional" you must clearly state you are hitting a provisional and YOU MUST DO IT WHILE STILL ON THE TEE BOX. There is NO going back to the tee to re-hit for lost or O.B. balls. If you leave the tee without hitting a provisional you MUST use the ALTERNATIVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE RULE.


Pursuant to Model Local Rule E-5 stated in Section 8E of Section 8 of the Committee Procedures when a player's ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds (and the ball is not in a Penalty Area nor has a Provisional Ball been played), the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance.


* For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or a substituted ball in the relief area (see Rule 14.3) between Two Estimated Reference Points.

The first is the Ball Reference Point (i.e. where the original ball is estimated to (a) have come to rest on the course, or (b) last crossed into out of bounds.)

* The second is the Fairway Reference Point (i.e. the point on the fairway of the hole being played that is nearest to the Ball Reference Point but is not nearer the hole than the Ball Reference Point).

* The Relief Area is anywhere between a line from the hole through the ball reference point (or within two club-lengths to the outside of that line), and a line from the hole through the fairway reference point (or within two club-lengths to the outside of that line.

* A diagram clearly illustrating this new Local Rule can be found here.



417GC has the following Pace of Play regulation in effect: If your group is more than a hole behind for more than one hole, each member of the group will receive a 2-stroke penalty. Continued infractions will be dealt with as follows:


First offense: 2-stroke penalty 

Second offense: On-the-spot DQ

Third offense: On-the-spot DQ and 2 month suspension


All penalties are subject to full review by the Pace of Play Committee.

Remember the #1 rule is Pace of Play:  Keep up with the group in front of you. No excuses.  The group behind you is irrelevant, do not worry about them. Your group must keep pace with the group in front of you. Period.

Follow these tips to increase the pace of play:

  • Go to the next tee when you're done putting. There is no need to wait for everyone to finish. Go ahead and tee off while the rest of your group is still on the previous green completing their putts. When your group is behind, this method is the easiest way to catch up. There is no penalty for playing out of turn in stroke play to save time.
  • Go directly to YOUR ball after everyone tees off. Don't group together.
  • Think about your next shot as you approach your ball. Notice the elevation, wind direction, and pin placement before you get there.
  • If in doubt, take more than one club with you when you leave the cart.
  • Develop a quick and effective pre-shot routine.
  • Hit your ball if you are ready and it is safe. Ignore "honors" in stroke play.
  • It is your responsibility to search for your own ball. Other players in your group should advance to their own balls and hit their shots before helping you search. A ball is lost if not found in 3 minutes after the player begins to search for it.
  • It is preferred that players use the "ALTERNATIVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE RULE".
  • Invest in a $100 laser rangefinder like this one: Gogogo Sport Vpro
  • Place your equipment properly: It can be annoying to watch a player walk back and forth to the far side of the green to retrieve their clubs after completing a hole. Know where you’re going to walk off the green and place your clubs in your path.
  • Line up your putt while others are lining up their putts and going through their pre-shot routine. Do not wait for your turn to to start thinking about and lining up your putt.
  • Putt out, instead of marking, whenever you can (except in Match Play).



1) On the first tee, decide who will keep the Golf Genius scores and who will keep the paper scorecard.

2) The person doing the paper scorecard should put the names in the same order as it appears in Golf Genius. It'll be easier later if you do this. Make sure to use last names, not first names.

3) After the Golf Genius scorer finishes inputting scores on the 18th hole, the app will spit him out to the first hole.

4) The Golf Genius scorer reads the scores aloud (example: "4-5-5-6") and the paper card scorer confirms. Continue through all the holes and fix any errors along the way. After 18 holes, you are done. This process should take about one minute.

5) PLEASE TOTAL YOUR SCORES. We won't hold you accountable on the math, but it makes it much easier for us if you include round totals for each player.

6) After the round, take a photo of the card (right-side-up!) and email it to admin@417gc.org no more than 30 minutes after your round. Volunteers have already put in a complete day and won't stay until the last group to collect scorecards, so they must be emailed after the round. Thanks!


You must withdraw PRIOR TO THE DAY BEFORE the tournament to receive a refund or you will forfeiture of your signup fee. It's up to you to WD yourself from a tournament in a timely manner. 
Withdrawals the day before the event or later will not be refunded, whether or not there's a waiting list. ALL refunds will be assessed a $5.00 processing fee that covers the credit card processing fee and headaches associated with having to re-juggle groups and tee times. 


Please note, whether you are on the confirmed roster or on the waitlist, it's your responsibility to WD before the day before the tournament in order to get a refund. While you won't be charged anything if you are on the waitlist and don't get promoted, once you are promoted you are IN the tournament and will either be charged $5.00 if you in a timely manner or no refund at all if the day before the event or later. No exceptions.

You can find WD instructions under the "Help" menu above.


If you're not going to make your tee time, text the Tournament Chairman at 417-323-2323 before your scheduled time. Failure to send notice may result in a $20 penalty that must be paid prior to playing in a future tournament. Additionally, your greens fees and skins payments will not be refunded for a no-show, regardless of whether you gave notice.


Our tournaments feature live scoring, where hole-by-hole scores for each player are input into an app for the rest of the field to view. It is the responsibility of EVERY player, whether they are scoring or not, to make sure that his scores are posted electronically in a timely manner. You should never be more than two holes behind. If the scorer for your group cannot continue scoring for some reason (phone dies, he WDs, he's gone blind, etc...), just ask another member for the log-in and continue for your group.


  • In every group, one person must enter scores electronically and one person must keep a paper card with all four player's scores on it. List the players by last name only. Write the names and scores clearly. Don't put additional info on the card (like games or circles).
  • After 9 and 18, make sure the scores on the paper card match the electronic scores. If they don't match, fix them. You have until 10 minutes after your round to make sure your paper card scores and electronic scores match.
  • After your round, take a photo of your paper card (right side up and on one page) and email it to admin@417gc.org.
  • If your scores aren't posted electronically in a timely manner, your group will be DQ'd.
  • If your electronic scores don't match your paper card scores, you will be DQ'd.
  • If you don't email a photo of your group's scorecard within 30 minutes after your round, the group will be DQ'd.


For rounds played outside of the club, players must post their own scores.  Post your score IMMEDIATELY after your practice round. 

If the club makes your tee time, the club will post your score. The only exception to this rule is for the 2nd and later rounds of the "Self Scheduled" tournaments (Match Play Championship & 4-Ball Championship).  In these tournaments, players are required to post their scores immediately after completing your round. No exceptions. 



Scrip is earned by placing in a tournament. Skins are earned by winning any particular hole. All tournament winnings (scrip and skins) are paid out in the form of Amazon eGift cards which will automatically arrive via text. Please make sure that your cell number is up to date in the Club Database. The club is not responsible if we send your winnings to the wrong mobile number if it's not correctly on file with us.


You have 60 days to claim your winnings. No exceptions. You can take 20 years to spend it once it is in your Amazon account, but if you don't claim it in 60 days it will be cancelled and you will lose it.


For regular tournaments, our payouts generally are as follows:


1st Gross, 25% of Prize Pool

2nd Gross, 15% of Prize Pool


1st Net, 25% of Prize Pool

2nd Net, 15% of Prize Pool

3rd Net, 10% of Prize Pool

4th Net, 6% of Prize Pool

5th Net, 4% of Prize Pool


New members and guests without a GHIN index will play to a zero handicap in their first tournament. Be advised it only takes 3 rounds of golf to establish your GHIN Handicap Index.

New members and guests with a GHIN Index will be assigned a Club Index equal to half their handicap for their first 3 tournaments.

The Handicap Committee can adjust a player at any time for any tournament. A player can also be adjusted during Major Tournaments, regardless of the policy that states a player's Low Index will be frozen. "Frozen" means that a player's Low Index may not go up during the course of a Major Tournament, but it can be adjusted downward if the Handicap Committee deems it appropriate.
Finally, from the USGA Handicap manual, there's this: If the Handicap Committee believes that the player's potential ability is different than the Handicap Index calculated from scores, it is authorized to adjust the player's Handicap Index. When it comes to handicap issues, the Handicap Committee has the final authority to make an adjustment at any time.



For players that are DQ'd or late WD, there will be no refund of greens fees, prize pool money, or skins entry.


"Cart path only" within 30 yards of all greens (or where marked by the course superintendent by rope, tape, or signs). Penalty: 2-strokes for every violation. This applies to both golf cart drivers and riders. Disabled players are exempt from this policy



Your ball is considered lost if:

1) It is not found within three minutes once you (or your partner or your caddie) begin to search for it. You cannot declare your ball lost until you have spent the full 3 minutes searching. 

2) You have put another ball into play under penalty of Stroke and Distance. (This includes the local rule of ALTERNATIVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE FOR LOST BALL)

3) You make a stroke at a provisional ball from a spot nearer the hole than where the original ball is estimated to be.



If you are doubtful of the correct procedure during play, you may, without penalty, complete the hole with two balls. If you elect to proceed under this Rule, you must do so before taking further action (e.g. making a stroke at the original ball). You should also announce to your fellow competitor (a) that you intend to play two balls and (b) which ball you wish to count if the Rules permit the procedure used for that ball. You MUST report the facts of the situation to the Tournament Committee via email at admin@417gc.org before turning in your scorecard. The committee will then make a decision. 


Rake the bunkers immediately and efficiently after your stroke out of the bunker without undue delay. The rake should be left outside the bunkers in areas where they are least likely (in most cases, behind the bunker) to affect the movement of any ball hit by the groups behind.


A ball that is in a GUR area may either be played as it lies or relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16-1. An area that has a sign that reads Ground Under Repair shall be treated as such. If the player elects to take relief from this GUR, it shall do so outside of the line, rope, or chain that identifies the border of the GUR. 


If you believe a ball is in an unmarked Abnormal Ground Condition, which includes GUR, apply Rule 20.1.c(3) and play a second ball. In this case, a picture of the area MUST be taken and emailed to admin@417gc.org along with a description of what occurred and a phone number where you can be reached.

USGA-approved measuring devices are approved for use at all events. The USGA decision permits the use of devices that measure distance only; devices that measure other conditions that might affect a player's play (such as wind and slope gradient) are not permitted. For only $90 you may want to consider the Gogogo Sport Vrpro


Please adhere to Section I - Etiquette Behavior on the Course in the Rules of Golf handbook. If a member's device makes a sound on the golf course that is a detriment to a competitor, that competitor shall have the authority to disqualify the member. Undue delay caused by cell phone usage can also result in disqualification.

The Tournament Chairman will decide if needed to divide the field into flights (depending on the number of players registered for the tournament) based on the Current Index, Low Index, or Club Index and type of tournament. 



As a general rule, the earlier you sign up for a tournament the earlier you will play. Exceptions include:


* The first two groups will always be rabbit groups, setting the pace of the play for the field.

* Club volunteers will get preferred tee times.

* Players that leave signup notes will have preference over those that don't.

* Players with a history of slow play will be placed in the latter half of the field.


Tee times are usually online at least 24 hours before the tournament and you will always receive an alert. ALWAYS check your time the night before the tournament, as things can change up until that point.

Fees will vary depending on the event. Included in the tournament fee is a prize pool fee, 100% of which goes back to the membership in the form of scrip prizes after each respective tournament. Fees are generally based on the price the club pays for the tees times plus $10 for the prize pool


The official starting time for members will be posted on our website a few days before the tournament. Players are advised to check their tee times the night before the tournament - things change fast and often. Additionally, there are times when the city allows us to go out early, please be ready to do so if called upon. Non-city courses will have variable starting times, depending on the event.


Almost all tournaments provide awards for how you finish in gross or net. This is not an "either/or" payout. If you win both the gross and net prize your will receive both prizes.

Ties are automatically broken by the Golf Genius software by carding off the round in accordance with our Club Policies: Last nine, six, three, one holes, then last to first.


This prestigious trophy is awarded to the member who earns the highest number of points from tournaments during the course of the RPGC calendar season. The GOTY competition is based upon a player's net finish in each flight, using the following point system: 10 points for 1st, 9 points for 2nd, 8 points for 3rd, 7 points for 4th, 6 points for 5th, 5 points for 6th, 4 points for 7th, 3 points for 8th, 2 points for 9th, and 1 point for 10th. One extra point is awarded for participation, so the entire field of every tournament automatically gets a point.


If the city doesn't allow carts on the day of the tournament, refunds will be issued to all registered members who cancel due to lack of carts.


On rare occasions, play may be suspended due to unplayable conditions. The tournament directors will have the full authority to determine if the round should be suspended. Every effort will be made to proceed with play if it is likely that all registered members will be able to complete the stipulated round of golf without jeopardizing their health and safety. 


Members shall be required to know and practice USGA Rules on Etiquette. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf. Failure to demonstrate etiquette and decorum will be considered to be a serious breach of Club policy and may be reviewed by the Board of Directors to determine sanction or penalty. In addition to any disciplinary action recommended by the Grievance Committee, you may be restricted to enter future tournaments and possibly expelled from the Club.


All play shall be in accordance with the USGA Rules of Golf and the course local rules.  It is the responsibility of each member to know the rules of stroke play.  If in doubt on the golf course with any rule, play a second ball for a later ruling by the Tournament Chairman and or the Rules Committee Chairman. The club also requires that our members have an understanding of the USGA Decisions On The Rules of Golf and the specific conditions under which the competition is to be played. (USGA Rule 33-1). Please adhere to Section I - Etiquette Behavior on the Course in the Rules of Golf handbook. 



You must include your email address and phone number on your profile page. Most Club communications are done via text and email.  If there's a change in tournament status, you will be emailed this information.  If we don't have your email address, you will be out of the loop.


For all 417GC tournaments, the Competition Committee shall be composed of the Tournament Director for that tournament and the Rules Committee. This committee need only be formed when there is a dispute or decision required. Any dispute or doubtful point on the USGA Rules or 417GC policy must be submitted verbally, in writing, or emailed to the Tournament Chairman within forty-eight (48) hours after the stipulated round of golf. If a dispute involves two parties, it will be the burden of the member making an allegation to provide a written or email copy of the pertinent USGA Rule or 417GC policy verbatim for reference to support the claim. Timely witness statements are welcomed to facilitate the disposition of the claim. The Competition Committee shall review the dispute and/or doubtful point and provide the final decision and disposition.