2022 Global Golf Sales Chapter Challenge Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Tue, November 8

Spring Creek GC - Gordonsville, VA
Time Players
Spring Creek GC - Gordonsville, VA
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Relan
10:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Andrew Bonn + Brady Noland + Yong Joo
Andrew Bonn
10:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Adam Relan + Brady Noland + Yong Joo
Brady Noland
10:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Adam Relan + Andrew Bonn + Yong Joo
Brian Dix
9:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U James Bennett + John Oberly + Matthew Kayson
Bryan Jackson
10:20 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Steven Delmar + William Fedder + William Hoffman
C. English
9:50 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees Joseph Faulconer + Kevin Haney + Michael Adkins
David Hutsell
9:20 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees Deborah Bosdosh + Jay Dufty + Robert Dolan
Deborah Bosdosh
9:20 AM 23 - Ladies 50 & Over David Hutsell + Jay Dufty + Robert Dolan
Drew Falvey
10:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Kyle Fuller + Larkin Gross + Paige Gross
Ian Mcconnell
9:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Matt Summers + Ryan Fellows + Thomas Schultz
J. Hodsden
9:40 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees John Newcomb + Madeline Foley + Michael Thomas1
Jacob Mast
9:30 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Kyle Lewis + Mike Larkin + Timothy White
James Bennett
9:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Brian Dix + John Oberly + Matthew Kayson
Jay Dufty
9:20 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U David Hutsell + Deborah Bosdosh + Robert Dolan
John Newcomb
9:40 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U J. Hodsden + Madeline Foley + Michael Thomas1
John Oberly
9:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Brian Dix + James Bennett + Matthew Kayson
Joseph Faulconer
9:50 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U C. English + Kevin Haney + Michael Adkins
Kevin Haney
9:50 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees C. English + Joseph Faulconer + Michael Adkins
Kyle Fuller
10:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Drew Falvey + Larkin Gross + Paige Gross
Kyle Lewis
9:30 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Jacob Mast + Mike Larkin + Timothy White
Larkin Gross
10:00 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Drew Falvey + Kyle Fuller + Paige Gross
Madeline Foley
9:40 AM 23 -MAPGA White Tees J. Hodsden + John Newcomb + Michael Thomas1
Matt Summers
9:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Ian Mcconnell + Ryan Fellows + Thomas Schultz
Matthew Kayson
9:00 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees Brian Dix + James Bennett + John Oberly
Michael Adkins
9:50 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U C. English + Joseph Faulconer + Kevin Haney
Michael Thomas1
9:40 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U J. Hodsden + John Newcomb + Madeline Foley
Mike Larkin
9:30 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Jacob Mast + Kyle Lewis + Timothy White
Paige Gross
10:00 AM 23 -MAPGA White Tees Drew Falvey + Kyle Fuller + Larkin Gross
Robert Dolan
9:20 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees David Hutsell + Deborah Bosdosh + Jay Dufty
Ryan Fellows
9:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Ian Mcconnell + Matt Summers + Thomas Schultz
Steven Delmar
10:20 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Bryan Jackson + William Fedder + William Hoffman
Thomas Schultz
9:10 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees Ian Mcconnell + Matt Summers + Ryan Fellows
Timothy White
9:30 AM 23 - MAPGA Gold Tees Jacob Mast + Kyle Lewis + Mike Larkin
William Fedder
10:20 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Bryan Jackson + Steven Delmar + William Hoffman
William Hoffman
10:20 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Bryan Jackson + Steven Delmar + William Fedder
Yong Joo
10:10 AM 22 - CC Men 49 and U Adam Relan + Andrew Bonn + Brady Noland