SCORE CARD: Local Rules listed on the score card or posted at Ojai Valley Golf Course are not in effect.
DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE: In stroke play, when a player is in doubt as to her procedure, the player may play a “Second Ball” under Rule 3-3. The player must report the facts to the Committee before returning her scorecard. If she fails to do so, she will be disqualified.
OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by inside points at ground level of white stakes or fence posts, boundary fences and golf course edges of designated curbs. When white lines are used, the line itself is Out of Bounds. Rule 27-1. NOTE: The fence on the right side of Hole #16 is an OB fence; no free relief.
GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Defined by white lines. French drains are deemed to be ground under repair. All flower beds on course are mandatory relief if ball touches or interferes with player’s stance or area of intended swing. Rule 25-1.
DROP ZONES: On Hole #3 a drop zone is provided on the right side of the green as an additional option for interference by the cart path or fence for stance or swing. On Hole #16 a drop zone is provided on the right and on the left side of the green as an additional option for balls deemed unplayable, player may use the closest drop zone no closer to the hole. 1 Stroke penalty. (Appendix I, Part A, section 6.)
INTEGRAL PART OF THE COURSE: On Hole # 2 the dirt path behind the green is an integral part of the course. No free relief.
EMBEDDED BALL THROUGH THE GREEN: Local Rule as prescribed in Appendix I shall be in effect.
LATERAL WATER HAZARDS: Lateral Water Hazards are defined by red stakes and/or lines. Where both stakes and lines are present, stakes identify hazards and lines define margins. Rule 26.
WHITE-LINED AREAS TYING INTO ARTIFICIALLY SURFACED ROAD AND PATHS: White lined areas tying into artificially surfaced roads and paths are part of the obstruction.
PERMANENT ELEVATED POWER LINES AND CABLES: If a ball strikes a permanent elevated power line or cable, or the towers or poles supporting such lines on the course, the stroke MUST be cancelled and replayed, without penalty. Rule 20-5. If the ball is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted.
IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS CLOSE TO PUTTING GREEN: If a ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and an immovable obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that
(a) is not nearer the hole,
(b) avoids intervention and
(c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.
STONES IN BUNKERS are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies).
DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: In this competition a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device. If, during a stipulated round, the player uses a distance measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect her play e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3.
ACCIDENTIAL MOVEMENT OF A BALL ON A PUTTING GREEN: When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved by the player, his partner, his opponent, or any of their caddies or equipment. (NOTE: Full text of Local Rule available at http://www.usga.org/2017LocalRule)
WRONG SCORE FOR A HOLE: If a competitor returns a score for any hole lower than actually taken due to failure to include penalty stroke that the player did not know she had incurred, the player is not disqualified. The penalty for the applicable Rule is applied, but there is no additional penalty. (NOTE: Full text of Local Rule available at http://www.usga.org/2018LocalRule)
DRESS CODE: Players and caddies must adhere to the dress code of Ojai Valley Golf Course. A player or caddie violating this dress code will not be permitted to start the competition. A violation of the dress code by either the player or her caddie during the stipulated round must be rectified without undue delay or the player will not be allowed to continue play or the caddie will not be allowed to perform the acts of a caddie. Soft spikes are mandatory.
TEE MARKERS: White Markers with CWC Sign.
OFFICIAL TIME/TIME OF STARTING: The clock at the teeing ground where the player begins her stipulated round is the official time of starting (Decision 6-3a/2.5). Starters will not page players in advance of their starting time. Players should arrive at their assigned tee 10 minutes prior to their starting time.
PRACTICE: On any day or between rounds of a stroke play competition a competitor must not practice on the competition course. Rule 7-1b. Penalty: Disqualification.
LIST OF CONFORMING GOLF BALLS: Note under Rule 5-1 and Optional Condition as prescribed in Appendix I shall be in effect.
FORM AND MAKE OF CLUBS: Note under Rule 4-1 and Condition as prescribed in Appendix I shall be in effect.
CELLULAR PHONES: As provided in the Etiquette Section of the Rules of Golf, players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players. For further guidelines refer to decision 14-3/16.
POWER CARTS: The player is the ONLY person to ride on the cart. NO CADDIES or SPECTATORS are allowed to ride. EXCEPTION: If pace of play becomes an issue, caddies may be shuttled by a Tournament Official.
NOTE: It is the policy of Ojai Valley Golf Course that you must be 18, with a valid driver’s license, to drive a cart. Please let the committee know if you do not meet this requirement so arrangements can be made for you. By e-mail: cwc@golfpwga.org or phone (916) 315-8304
PACE OF PLAY: A player shall be subject to penalty if she unduly delays play. Rule 6-7. NOTES 1 and 2 under Rule 6-7 are in effect. See Pace of Play Guidelines.
SERIOUS BREACH OF ETIQUETTE: The use of abusive language, throwing of clubs or other disruptive behavior, contrary to the good conduct of the tournament will not be tolerated. Penalty – Disqualification. Rule 33-7.
SCORECARDS: A competitor must return her signed and attested scorecard to the scorer’s table as soon as possible upon completion of play. Rule 6-6b.
TIES: Ties for Champion will be determined by a three-hole playoff. If a tie still exists after three holes, there will be a sudden death playoff. All other ties will be determined by the USGA back-nine method.
CLOSE OF COMPETITION: A competition is deemed to have closed when the result has been officially announced. Rule 34-1b.
DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAY: A discontinuance of play by the Committee will be signaled as follows:
- Non-dangerous condition: Three consecutive air horn notes, repeated. Rule 6-8b.
- Dangerous condition: One prolonged air horn note, repeated. Players shall discontinue play immediately and shall not resume play until the Committee orders a resumption of play. All practice areas shall be closed until the Committee declares them open. Note: A player has the right to stop play for a threat of lightening, even if play has not been suspended by the committee. Rule 6-8a.
- Resumption of play: Two consecutive air horn notes, repeated.
REST ROOMS are located at the club house after #9 green and #12 green. They are also located at #4 green, #5 tee and #9 tee. There are no restrooms located on the back nine after #12.