Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Acheson, Mike | 5.0 |
Balaberda, Kelly | 3.2 |
Barkley, Marlyne | 17.0 |
Blacker Jr, Harry | 6.3 |
Botha, Deon | +0.1 |
Boudreau, Darcy | +1.7 |
Bruce, Donald | 16.4 |
Bryksa, Les | 9.7 |
Canning, John | 17.9 |
Carre, Matt | 3.7 |
Coffin, Jeff | +0.7 |
Colberg, Regan | 1.8 |
Colberg, Rob | 2.5 |
Collette, Colin | 16.4 |
Cooper, Derek | 9.3 |
Cranston, Alan | 14.7 |
Daling, Calvin | 6.8 |
Dumont, Michael | +1.0 |
Dumont, Richard | 4.5 |
Garth, Clint | 20.5 |
Girling, Roy | 22.7 |
Graf, Kevin | 0.0 |
Guidolin, Ryan | 2.3 |
Hagel, Marvin | 12.0 |
Hardie, Don | 22.2 |
Hillcoff, Mark | 3.7 |
Johnson, Jack | 19.4 |
Laventure, Paul | 16.1 |
Macdonald, Randy | 7.7 |
Matheos, Derek | 4.3 |
McNicol, Chris | 6.0 |
Mehta, Rohan | 11.6 |
Mileham, Alan | 11.8 |
Miller, Brent | 14.7 |
Mullenix, Pat | 14.1 |
Niwa, Richard | 12.1 |
Reid, Greg | 18.9 |
Reid, Simon | 12.3 |
Roebuck, Barry | 18.7 |
Ryan, Ed | 5.3 |
Ryan, Mike | 2.4 |
Savitsky, Brian | 9.6 |
Simonelli, Mitz | 0.8 |
Simonson, Tim | 6.9 |
Simpson, Bill | 19.8 |
Skappak, Mike | 14.7 |
Spyropoulos, John | 12.2 |
Stettner, Mark | 11.2 |
Thompson, Gord | 16.5 |
Upham, Robin | 16.8 |
Wregget, Joel | +1.0 |
Young, Bill | 10.1 |