2022 Junior Association Tee Sheet

Thu, July 28

The Oaks at Spanish Fork / Blue
Time Players
The Oaks at Spanish Fork
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Addyson Levanger
9:48 AM Blue Braylee Orton + Claire Gordon + Ileigh Carlson
Aidyn Valdez
9:16 AM Blue Keegan Abplanalp + Stockton Staheli
Anden Barker
9:24 AM Blue Brock Holloway + Jarek Packer
Boston Heal
10:20 AM Blue Dane Jorgensen + Kyle Davidson + Mason Corey
Boston Housley
10:52 AM Blue Nash Mendenhall + Tate Nielson
Braden Salmon
9:40 AM Blue Caden Gillette + Drake Dart + Maverick Dustin
Braylee Orton
9:48 AM Blue Addyson Levanger + Claire Gordon + Ileigh Carlson
Bridger Bingham
11:00 AM Blue Emily Bingham + Sadie Bingham
Brock Holloway
9:24 AM Blue Anden Barker + Jarek Packer
Caden Gillette
9:40 AM Blue Braden Salmon + Drake Dart + Maverick Dustin
Christian Whitmore
10:28 AM Blue Jamison Crandall + Kensington Shepherd
Claire Gordon
9:48 AM Blue Addyson Levanger + Braylee Orton + Ileigh Carlson
Cole Jackson
10:12 AM Blue Jett Jackson + Knox Wilson
Corbin Moss
9:00 AM Blue Deagan Moss + Quinton Moss + Tyce Lemon
Dane Jorgensen
10:20 AM Blue Boston Heal + Kyle Davidson + Mason Corey
Deagan Moss
9:00 AM Blue Corbin Moss + Quinton Moss + Tyce Lemon
Dexter Roberts
10:04 AM Blue Maddax Petersen + Simon Roberts
Drake Dart
9:40 AM Blue Braden Salmon + Caden Gillette + Maverick Dustin
Easton Johnson
10:36 AM Blue Joseph Taeger + Luke Radford + William Taeger
Easton Truman
10:44 AM Blue Taft Marshall + Tytan Truman
Emily Bingham
11:00 AM Blue Bridger Bingham + Sadie Bingham
Ileigh Carlson
9:48 AM Blue Addyson Levanger + Braylee Orton + Claire Gordon
Jack Nelson
9:32 AM Blue Lincoln Beenfield + Will Beenfield
Jamison Crandall
10:28 AM Blue Christian Whitmore + Kensington Shepherd
Jared Hardy
9:08 AM Blue Levi King + Maxwell Cope + Zachary Moulton
Jarek Packer
9:24 AM Blue Anden Barker + Brock Holloway
Jett Jackson
10:12 AM Blue Cole Jackson + Knox Wilson
Joseph Taeger
10:36 AM Blue Easton Johnson + Luke Radford + William Taeger
Karlie Harris
9:56 AM Blue Lisa King + Navy Hubbs + Sage Hubbs
Keegan Abplanalp
9:16 AM Blue Aidyn Valdez + Stockton Staheli
Kensington Shepherd
10:28 AM Blue Christian Whitmore + Jamison Crandall
Knox Wilson
10:12 AM Blue Cole Jackson + Jett Jackson
Kyle Davidson
10:20 AM Blue Boston Heal + Dane Jorgensen + Mason Corey
Levi King
9:08 AM Blue Jared Hardy + Maxwell Cope + Zachary Moulton
Lincoln Beenfield
9:32 AM Blue Jack Nelson + Will Beenfield
Lisa King
9:56 AM Blue Karlie Harris + Navy Hubbs + Sage Hubbs
Luke Radford
10:36 AM Blue Easton Johnson + Joseph Taeger + William Taeger
Maddax Petersen
10:04 AM Blue Dexter Roberts + Simon Roberts
Mason Corey
10:20 AM Blue Boston Heal + Dane Jorgensen + Kyle Davidson
Maverick Dustin
9:40 AM Blue Braden Salmon + Caden Gillette + Drake Dart
Maxwell Cope
9:08 AM Blue Jared Hardy + Levi King + Zachary Moulton
Nash Mendenhall
10:52 AM Blue Boston Housley + Tate Nielson
Navy Hubbs
9:56 AM Blue Karlie Harris + Lisa King + Sage Hubbs
Quinton Moss
9:00 AM Blue Corbin Moss + Deagan Moss + Tyce Lemon
Sadie Bingham
11:00 AM Blue Bridger Bingham + Emily Bingham
Sage Hubbs
9:56 AM Blue Karlie Harris + Lisa King + Navy Hubbs
Simon Roberts
10:04 AM Blue Dexter Roberts + Maddax Petersen
Stockton Staheli
9:16 AM Blue Aidyn Valdez + Keegan Abplanalp
Taft Marshall
10:44 AM Blue Easton Truman + Tytan Truman
Tate Nielson
10:52 AM Blue Boston Housley + Nash Mendenhall
Tyce Lemon
9:00 AM Blue Corbin Moss + Deagan Moss + Quinton Moss
Tytan Truman
10:44 AM Blue Easton Truman + Taft Marshall
Will Beenfield
9:32 AM Blue Jack Nelson + Lincoln Beenfield
William Taeger
10:36 AM Blue Easton Johnson + Joseph Taeger + Luke Radford
Zachary Moulton
9:08 AM Blue Jared Hardy + Levi King + Maxwell Cope