Ike Players Association Tee Sheet

Individual Stroke Play (Net) - Sat, August 26

The Preserve at Eisenhower Golf Course
Time Players
The Preserve at Eisenhower Golf Course
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Benjamin Driscoll
7:40 AM Blue - Men Marc Dorrer + Nicholas Berault
Gavin Gregg
8:00 AM Blue - Men Jack Thompson + Kevin Thompson + Samuel Thompson
Jack Thompson
8:00 AM Blue - Men Gavin Gregg + Kevin Thompson + Samuel Thompson
Jeffrey Allen
7:50 AM Green - Men John Nucci + Pat Arvidson + Robert Roper
John Nucci
7:50 AM Green - Men Jeffrey Allen + Pat Arvidson + Robert Roper
John Rogers
7:30 AM Green - Men Thomas Christmas + Yann Ackermann
Kevin Thompson
8:00 AM Green - Men Gavin Gregg + Jack Thompson + Samuel Thompson
Marc Dorrer
7:40 AM Green - Men Benjamin Driscoll + Nicholas Berault
Nicholas Berault
7:40 AM Blue - Men Benjamin Driscoll + Marc Dorrer
Pat Arvidson
7:50 AM Green - Men Jeffrey Allen + John Nucci + Robert Roper
Robert Roper
7:50 AM Green - Men Jeffrey Allen + John Nucci + Pat Arvidson
Samuel Thompson
8:00 AM Blue - Men Gavin Gregg + Jack Thompson + Kevin Thompson
Thomas Christmas
7:30 AM Blue - Men John Rogers + Yann Ackermann
Yann Ackermann
7:30 AM Blue - Men John Rogers + Thomas Christmas