NE Senior Qualifying: Segregansett Tee Sheet

New England Senior Qualifying - Wed, August 22

Segregansett CC - Archived on 12-18-2020 / White
Time Players
Segregansett CC - Archived on 12-18-2020
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Andy Berman Nashawtuc CC (MA)
9:40 AM White Scott Mcgavick + Steven James
Bill Aliski Boston GC (MA)
10:30 AM White Chuck Gomes + Rick Bernard
Bruce Cook Bayberry Hills (MA)
9:50 AM White Dan Rourke + Rey LeMaine
Chris Goddu The Lynx Club (MA)
9:20 AM White George Chung + Kirk Nahabedian
Chuck Gomes Poquoy Brook GC (MA)
10:30 AM White Bill Aliski + Rick Bernard
Dan Rourke B.A.G.S. (MA)
9:50 AM White Bruce Cook + Rey LeMaine
David Holmes Blackstone National GC (MA)
12:00 PM White Tom Bagley
David Jubinville Orchards GC (MA)
11:00 AM White Jim Finnerty + John Shields
David Pomarico Poquoy Brook GC (MA)
11:30 AM White Richard Fleischman + Steve Barber
David Walde Granite Links GC (MA)
11:20 AM White Paul Murphy + Peter Brumme
Dennis Jodoin Indian Pond CC (MA)
12:10 PM White Guy Lansing
Drew Greenland Rockrimmon CC (CT)
11:10 AM White John Curran + Joseph Monahan III
Gary Cronin Segregansett CC (MA)
10:20 AM White Rick Cunha + Vin Bucci
George Chung Wayland CC (MA)
9:20 AM White Chris Goddu + Kirk Nahabedian
Guy Lansing Crosswinds Golf Club (MA)
12:10 PM White Dennis Jodoin
Jack Bohman Old Sandwich GC (MA)
11:50 AM White Paul Corcoran + Paul Mitchell
Jay Mcconnell Miacomet GC (MA)
12:50 PM White Jim Mahoney + Will Cropper
Jeffrey Miller Fox Hopyard GC (CT)
9:10 AM White Jim O'Neil + Michael Brandon
Jim Finnerty Stockbridge GC (MA)
11:00 AM White David Jubinville + John Shields
Jim Mahoney Point Judith CC (RI)
12:50 PM White Jay Mcconnell + Will Cropper
Jim O'Neil GC at Turner Hill (MA)
9:10 AM White Jeffrey Miller + Michael Brandon
John Bankert Glen Ellen CC (MA)
9:30 AM White Michael Di Perrio + Scott MacKinnon
John Curran Dennis Pines GC (MA)
11:10 AM White Drew Greenland + Joseph Monahan III
John Flynn Norfolk GC (MA)
10:00 AM White Paul Couture
John Shields Hyannisport GC (MA)
11:00 AM White David Jubinville + Jim Finnerty
Joseph Monahan III Winchester CC (MA)
11:10 AM White Drew Greenland + John Curran
Kevin Nery CC of New Bedford (MA)
10:40 AM White Ray Underwood + William Heffernan
Kirk Nahabedian Oakley CC (MA)
9:20 AM White Chris Goddu + George Chung
Mark Heffernan Charles River CC (MA)
12:40 PM White Mark Vassalotti
Mark Vassalotti Sterling Farms GC (CT)
12:40 PM White Mark Heffernan
Michael Brandon Braintree Municipal GC (MA)
9:10 AM White Jeffrey Miller + Jim O'Neil
Michael Di Perrio Newton Commonwealth Golf (MA)
9:30 AM White John Bankert + Scott MacKinnon
Michael Lazzara Wheeler Park GC (CT)
12:20 PM White William Cosgrove
Michael Moraghan CC of Waterbury (CT)
10:10 AM White Neal Piliavin + Thomas Mone
Neal Piliavin Wollaston GC (MA)
10:10 AM White Michael Moraghan + Thomas Mone
Paul Corcoran Blackstone National GC (MA)
11:50 AM White Jack Bohman + Paul Mitchell
Paul Couture Pleasant Valley CC (MA)
10:00 AM White John Flynn
Paul Mitchell George Wright GC (MA)
11:50 AM White Jack Bohman + Paul Corcoran
Paul Murphy Charles River CC (MA)
11:20 AM White David Walde + Peter Brumme
Peter Brumme Nashawtuc CC (MA)
11:20 AM White David Walde + Paul Murphy
Ray Underwood Torrington CC (CT)
10:40 AM White Kevin Nery + William Heffernan
Rey LeMaine Sandy Burr CC (MA)
9:50 AM White Bruce Cook + Dan Rourke
Richard Fleischman Hopkinton CC (MA)
11:30 AM White David Pomarico + Steve Barber
Rick Bernard Triggs Memorial GC (RI)
10:30 AM White Bill Aliski + Chuck Gomes
Rick Cunha Pinehills GC (MA)
10:20 AM White Gary Cronin + Vin Bucci
Scott MacKinnon Crosswinds GC (MA)
9:30 AM White John Bankert + Michael Di Perrio
Scott Mcgavick Nashawtuc CC (MA)
9:40 AM White Andy Berman + Steven James
Steve Barber Franklin CC (MA)
11:30 AM White David Pomarico + Richard Fleischman
Steven James Woodland GC (MA)
9:40 AM White Andy Berman + Scott Mcgavick
Thomas Mone Hatherly CC (MA)
10:10 AM White Michael Moraghan + Neal Piliavin
Tom Bagley Oak Hill CC (MA)
12:00 PM White David Holmes
Vin Bucci Old Sandwich GC (MA)
10:20 AM White Gary Cronin + Rick Cunha
Will Cropper Bungay Brook GC (MA)
12:50 PM White Jay Mcconnell + Jim Mahoney
William Cosgrove Worcester CC (MA)
12:20 PM White Michael Lazzara
William Heffernan Dedham CC (MA)
10:40 AM White Kevin Nery + Ray Underwood