Tournament Format
Individual Stroke Play
Boys Senior Division (Ages 14-18)
Girls Senior Division (Ages 14-18)
Boys Challenger Division (Ages 11-13)
Girls Challenger Division (Ages 11-13)
Boys & Girls Super Junior Division (Ages 8-10)
Senior Division
Boys: Blue Tees
Girls: Yellow Tees
Challenger Division
Boys: White Tees
Girls: Green Tees
Super Junior Division
Boys & Girls: Junior Tees
Tee Times
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tee Times will be based upon size of the field in each respective Division
Tee Times will be released following Registration Deadline of August 1st.
Entry Fee
$25 Entry per player
Includes; Tournament Favor, Golf, and Lunch
18 Holes (Senior Division) 9 Holes (Challenger Division) 6 Holes (Super Junior Division)
*Lunch available for Spectators for additional fee, purchase available in registration or on-site. Registration prefered but not mandatory.