
Player Roster

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First Name Last Name Team Id Handle H.I.™
Alex Graf - Alex Graf 12.8
Alex Robertson - Alex Robertson 12.4
Andre Morin - Andre Morin 24.4
Arnie Pleil - Arnie Pleil 12.8
Ben Thornton - Ben Thornton 0.8
Bill Humble - Bill Humble 6.0
Bill Roach - Bill Roach 11.8
Bob Hughes - Bob Hughes 30.6
Bob Millar - Bob Millar 19.6
Brent Chadwick - Brent Chadwick 15.8
Brian Brant - Brian Brant 37.0
Brian Nigro - Brian Nigro 17.8
Bruce Brodhagen - Bruce Brodhagen 8.4
Cecil Matt - Cecil Matt 23.4
Chad Swartzentruber - Chad Swartzentruber +0.6
Chris Chiasson - Chris Chiasson 27.8
Chris Dickenson - Chris Dickenson 29.4
Chris Musselman - Chris Musselman 16.6
Dan Adair 2 Dan Adair 2.8
Dan Martin - Dan Martin 18.0
Dave Campbell - Dave Campbell 15.4
Dave Graff - Dave Graff 6.0
Dave Middegaal 24 Dave Middegaal 24.4
Dave Reeves - Dave Reeves 13.8
David St Louis - David St Louis 22.2
Dean McKelvie - Dean McKelvie 16.4
Dean Sharp - Dean Sharp 2.0
Don Moon - Don Moon 29.4
Don Morris - Don Morris 23.6
Don Soper - Don Soper 11.8
Doug Brown - Doug Brown 20.6
Gary Howard - Gary Howard 16.8
Greg Preszcator - Greg Preszcator 7.0
Ian Schenck 17 Ian Schenck 12.8
Ian Weber - Ian Weber 12.6
Jack Brooks - Jack Brooks 19.6
Jamie Anontio 12 Jamie Anontio 15.2
Jason Parsons 8 Jason Parsons 9.8
Jeremy Hunt - Jeremy Hunt 17.4
Jim Avery - Jim Avery 13.2
Joe McDonald - Joe McDonald 22.8
Joe West - Joe West 28.6
Joel Boersma - Joel Boersma 19.8
John Altenburg - John Altenburg 20.6
John Brown - John Brown 29.4
Jon Bailey - Jon Bailey 14.0
Josh Coffey - Josh Coffey 15.2
Josh Demo - Josh Demo 2.4
Joshua Langis - Joshua Langis 16.4
Keith Manley - Keith Manley 23.4
Kel Frazer - Kel Frazer 25.8
Kelvin Martin - Kelvin Martin 28.2
Kenny Murphy - Kenny Murphy 19.0
Kert Coffey - Kert Coffey 17.8
Kirk Roberts - Kirk Roberts 30.2
Korey Petrie 11 Korey Petrie 14.4
Kyle Brodhagen 1 Kyle Brodhagen +3.2
Kyle Casey 3 Kyle Casey 4.4
Kyle McLeod 20 Kyle McLeod 19.0
Lonnie McKay - Lonnie McKay 9.8
Mark Downham 21 Mark Downham 21.6
Mark Ford - Mark Ford 19.4
Mark Mohr 15 Mark Mohr 13.4
Mark Nelson - Mark Nelson 14.6
Merv Bennett - Merv Bennett 25.6
Mike Burford 22 Mike Burford 16.6
Mike Coffey - Mike Coffey 27.4
Mike Harcus - Mike Harcus 21.6
Mike Holmes 19 Mike Holmes 16.6
Mike Knechtel - Mike Knechtel 8.4
Mike Krug 13 Mike Krug 10.6
Mike Mousley - Mike Mousley 17.8
Neil Mohr 6 Neil Mohr 8.2
Patrick Hannaberry - Patrick Hannaberry 18.8
Quin Malott - Quin Malott 24.6
Richard Thibeault - Richard Thibeault 28.0
Rick Kelly - Rick Kelly 13.0
Rob Adair 9 Rob Adair 4.6
Rob Mogk 14 Rob Mogk 15.6
Rod Harrison 23 Rod Harrison 18.0
Ron Anderson - Ron Anderson 15.4
Scott Bailey - Scott Bailey 5.6
Scott Herbert - Scott Herbert 13.0
Scott Morris - Scott Morris 5.2
Scott Regan - Scott Regan 12.2
Steve Eldridge - Steve Eldridge 25.4
Steve Lyoness - Steve Lyoness 19.0
Steve MacMillian - Steve MacMillian 10.2
Steve Nesbitt - Steve Nesbitt 9.2
Taylor Jantzi - Taylor Jantzi 24.8
Terry Adair 4 Terry Adair 1.4
Terry Hartman - Terry Hartman 21.6
Terry Klumper 18 Terry Klumper 14.0
Todd Hynd - Todd Hynd 14.4
Todd Nickel 16 Todd Nickel 14.0
Tom Demo - Tom Demo 12.8
Tony Rebelo - Tony Rebelo 15.6
Trevor Caven - Trevor Caven 15.6
Tyler Canal 7 Tyler Canal 7.6
Tyler Devereaux 5 Tyler Devereaux 2.4
Tyler Huston 10 Tyler Huston 9.0
Wayne Huggins - Wayne Huggins 7.0
Wayne Melvin - Wayne Melvin 24.2
WIlly Keller - WIlly Keller 6.4