2022 (Tue, July 26)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Adam Feely
Alan Bintcliffe
Alan Craig
Alan Craig jnr
Alan Hawkins
Andy Fairbairn
Andy Metcalfe
Angela Scott
Barry Dobie
Ben Stephens
Brian Griffin
Carl mcgregor
Carmel Lawlor
Carrol West
Charlie Phillips
Chris Ayre
Chris Duffield
Christopher Babbs
Colin Parsons
Craig Geekie
Dan Harrison
Dan Leach
Darren Gough
Darren Horne
Dave Hill
David Jones
David Luther
David Moralee
David Riley
Dean Rae
Edward Carlton
Elsbeth Morton
Gary Dixon
Gavin Dunn
Geoff Elliott
George Carlton
George Harrison
Graeme Brown
Graham Salmon
Iain Anderson
Ian Duffy
Ian Grainger
Ian Hepple
Jeff Lightle
Joe Bell
Joel Phelps
John Anderton
John Cooke
John Crone
Jon Goodwin
Karen Ward
Kevin Dunn
Lee Holmes
Lee Mellors
Lee Newton
Les Grainger
Malcolm Morton
Mark Chambers
Mark Grainger
Matthew Hill
Matthew Upton
matthew young
Michael Davison
Michael Duffy
Michael Gray
Mike Gregory
Nanette Gough
Neil Fitzpatrick
Nick Duffield
Nick Skelton
Pat Hingley
Paul Barnes
paul bateman
Paul Findlay
Paul Knight
Paul Mccomb
Paul Reynolds
Philip Scott
Rab Allan
Richard Sperke
Rob Latham
Roy West
Sally Gregory
Sean Kelly
Sharon Hawkins
Stephanie Geekie
Stephen Chard
Stephen Stoddart
Stephen Thomson
Steve Hanks
Steven Wilson
Susan Bintcliffe
Terry Rourke
Tim Phelps
Tim Slater
Tom Kaye
Vincente Scherson
Will Robinson
Willy Bond