Womens Singles Match Play Rules




  • Players will randomly be placed in to a bracket and compete against each other in match play format with handicaps.
  • The winning player will advance to the next round; the losing player is eliminated from the competition


Scheduling of Matches


  • Players are expected to contact their opponents at the earliest opportunity to schedule matches and provide multiple dates to play their match,




  • Individual players may choose to play the Red, Red/Green (hybrid), or Green tees.




  • Players will receive 100% of their handicap from the tees they are playing.
  • Handicaps will then be adjusted within the group to account for the difference in difficulty
  • The lowest handicap player in the group will receive 0 handicap strokes
  • The higher handicap player will receive the difference between their adjusted handicap and their opponent's
  • Strokes will be taken on holes based on the handicap rating of each hole as indicated on the scorecard




A player will be declared the winner of the match by:

  • The player leads their opponent by more holes than remain to be played
  • The opponent concedes the match, or
  • The opponent is disqualified


In the case where a match is tied after 18 holes, a sudden-death playoff, to be played on the 1st hole (or the first hole played that day on a shotgun start), will determine the winner.  If still tied after the first playoff hole, the playoff will continue to the next hole on the golf course until a winner has been determined.


Please report the winner of your match to the pro shop immediately upon the completion of play.




  • All matches must be played by the deadline date.