Player League Standings

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Player Times Played Total Points Total Purse Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
Steve Mocker 13 283.00 $ 541.00 98.1 75.5 91.0 67.0
Frank Gosen 14 250.00 $ 667.00 86.5 75.6 77.0 68.0
Lionel Fernandez 14 241.00 $ 749.00 83.9 75.4 78.0 68.0
Mike Armstrong 14 238.00 $ 1,251.00 84.5 75.2 78.0 67.0
Jeff Trevena 12 232.50 $ 711.00 91.1 75.3 83.0 68.0
David Walter 12 230.00 $ 610.00 84.6 75.3 76.0 68.0
John Briggs 14 227.00 $ 967.00 91.9 75.9 82.0 67.0
Michael Sullivan 12 212.00 $ 235.00 102.2 76.3 94.0 70.0
Cameron Fernandez 14 210.00 $ 696.50 78.6 73.6 74.0 68.0
Doug Crane 11 207.00 $ 728.00 86.9 74.9 80.0 69.0
Gregory Rudloff 13 186.67 $ 175.00 92.8 77.1 84.0 71.0
John Giambrone 13 173.00 $ 791.00 94.7 73.8 83.0 66.0
Kory Seely 11 170.00 $ 921.50 85.9 72.7 80.0 68.0
Rodney Garrick 12 169.00 $ 413.00 100.9 78.8 88.0 66.0
Ken Kaleiki 13 163.50 $ 692.00 87.5 77.1 78.0 65.0
Mark Willis 12 163.00 $ 821.50 96.3 77.4 83.0 67.0
Gene Saracco 9 160.50 $ 0.00 94.8 76.0 82.0 65.0
Curtis Johnson 13 160.00 $ 262.00 105.7 81.5 95.0 68.0
Mario Penera 12 157.00 $ 508.00 90.7 77.2 81.0 67.0
Ed Gines 9 153.00 $ 836.00 93.6 77.8 83.0 67.0
Diego Perez 11 152.67 $ 663.00 90.0 74.9 83.0 66.0
Dave Lim 13 152.00 $ 305.00 102.7 79.7 92.0 71.0
Larry Darling 10 151.00 $ 375.00 87.6 74.2 82.0 66.0
Scott Shepard 9 149.50 $ 470.00 101.6 76.9 95.0 69.0
Ed Ramirez 12 149.00 $ 367.00 93.8 78.2 84.0 69.0
Doug Kugler 8 148.00 $ 297.00 105.5 78.9 100.0 76.0
Loren Walsh 8 142.00 $ 55.00 83.0 74.9 78.0 70.0
Mark Silvera 7 141.00 $ 295.00 93.3 74.4 88.0 69.0
Bob Oliver 10 132.00 $ 194.50 85.7 76.8 80.0 71.0
Tom Connor 14 126.50 $ 323.00 108.3 81.1 97.0 70.0
Robert Costa 10 126.00 $ 130.00 92.0 77.9 81.0 66.0
Donnie Sammons 7 125.00 $ 115.00 99.0 73.6 94.0 65.0
Kelly Wiens 12 122.00 $ 280.00 111.9 84.5 102.0 74.0
Chandra Shirashyad 12 121.67 $ 529.00 99.3 81.4 89.0 74.0
Fred Kroh 10 119.00 $ 373.00 89.2 76.0 83.0 70.0
Tim Garland 9 112.00 $ 141.00 86.7 77.9 79.0 72.0
San Asuti 9 111.50 $ 76.00 99.1 78.6 89.0 69.0
Jeff Bevins 9 108.00 $ 221.00 85.6 76.0 82.0 71.0
William Fahy 6 108.00 $ 65.00 87.0 76.0 81.0 71.0
Dan Kroh 11 103.00 $ 57.00 99.5 80.1 93.0 73.0
David Quinones 8 99.00 $ 130.00 77.9 75.4 74.0 72.0
Larry Inouye 11 98.00 $ 247.00 96.9 80.3 88.0 68.0
Marcus Sabala 9 92.50 $ 234.00 87.2 80.2 75.0 68.0
John Reyes 10 90.00 $ 252.00 105.6 90.2 95.0 81.0
Tan Le 6 89.00 $ 210.00 103.8 77.0 96.0 69.0
George Nesbit 7 85.50 $ 266.00 91.7 77.1 86.0 70.0
Mark Emerson 10 85.00 $ 55.00 87.9 77.1 79.0 68.0
Robert Fraka 6 82.50 $ 98.00 85.5 74.7 77.0 68.0
Brian Betts 5 76.00 $ 10.00 96.4 77.4 90.0 69.0
Jeff Miller 7 73.50 $ 88.00 95.9 78.3 88.0 74.0
Jerome Schlaff 4 69.00 $ 0.00 98.8 87.8 96.0 85.0
Chris Wallinger 7 63.50 $ 20.00 87.6 78.6 80.0 70.0
Mike Dutrow 5 60.00 $ 189.00 99.6 83.0 85.0 70.0
Sean Lozada 4 46.00 $ 35.00 84.5 73.0 82.0 70.0
Brian Lozada 3 45.00 $ 104.00 86.0 75.0 84.0 72.0
Rodney Gluck 5 43.50 $ 158.00 106.0 80.6 98.0 70.0
Ross Burgess 6 42.00 $ 486.00 91.6 78.8 87.0 74.0
Peter Truong 4 39.00 $ 279.00 98.8 83.8 82.0 69.0
Bryan Vevera 5 39.00 $ 212.00 91.2 78.4 81.0 73.0
Frank Petracek 2 32.00 $ 0.00 88.0 76.5 88.0 76.0
Mark O'Donoghue 5 30.00 $ 201.00 95.6 82.0 94.0 80.0
Bob Sallaberry 1 30.00 $ 85.00 89.0 66.0 89.0 66.0
Robert Wallinger 2 29.00 $ 40.00 96.0 78.0 85.0 69.0
Tim Clancy 2 26.00 $ 100.00 83.5 78.5 83.0 78.0
Al Monteclaro 1 26.00 $ 10.00 84.0 73.0 84.0 73.0
Pete Rubenis 4 25.00 $ 120.00 104.3 81.0 102.0 79.0
Justo Garza 1 22.00 $ 80.00 105.0 74.0 105.0 74.0
Michael Sutphin 1 20.00 $ 0.00 111.0 89.0 111.0 89.0
Dan Freiwald 1 18.00 $ 65.00 93.0 77.0 93.0 77.0
Blake Guardino 2 15.00 $ 160.00 81.5 79.0 76.0 74.0
Maurice Goldman 1 12.00 $ 0.00 108.0 76.0 108.0 76.0
Tony Aranda 2 10.00 $ 0.00 93.0 80.0 89.0 77.0
Jim Goudreau 1 5.00 $ 52.00 84.0 72.0 84.0 72.0
Rich Guardino 1 5.00 $ 0.00 85.0 77.0 85.0 77.0
Timothy Harvey 1 5.00 $ 0.00 85.0 78.0 85.0 78.0
Robert Avery 1 5.00 $ 0.00 98.0 84.0 98.0 84.0
Mark Gutierrez 1 5.00 $ 0.00 87.0 83.0 87.0 83.0
Bob Garland 1 0.00 $ 140.00 72.0 68.0 72.0 68.0
Jeffrey Brandon 1 0.00 $ 0.00 53.0 48.0 53.0 48.0
Player A 1 0.00 $ 0.00 106.0 84.0 106.0 84.0
Player B 1 0.00 $ 0.00 96.0 79.0 96.0 79.0
Player C 1 0.00 $ 0.00 92.0 79.0 92.0 79.0
Totals:   8,224.01 $ 22,033.00