U.S. Junior Amateur Qualifier - U. S. Naval Academy G. C. - Annapolis, Maryland

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Tournament Docs


The GGID ID for the qualifier is JunAmNavy


USGA Local Rules & Terms of the Competition HERE


Notice to Players  HERE


Pace of Play Policy  HERE


Pace - Short Version with Time Allotment HERE


Approximate Yardages/Tees for qualifier HERE


USGA - U. S. Junior Amateur Information Doc HERE


Note - players will be provided with the Hard Card, Notice, Pace of Play, and Hole Locations on the first tee.


Important Note - The U. S. Naval Academy G. C. is located on a U. S. Government military reservation and patrolled vigorously by

U. S. Navy security personnel in marked and unmarked vehicles.  They actively patrol the road to the golf course looking for speeders and often set-up radar traps.  Be sure to follow all speed limits, etc. when on the property.  A traffic stop is not fun, especially just before trying to qualify.




Distance Measuring Devices (DMD's) HERE                                                           


Anchoring the Putter HERE


Groove Condition HERE


Hydration Awareness HERE


Greens Reading Material HERE




U. S. Junior Amateur Championship Qualifier - Tuesday, June 14, 2022


U. S. Naval Academy Golf Club - 64 Greenbury Point Road - Annapolis, Maryland 21402


Director of Golf/Navy Golf Coach:  Patrick Owen, PGA

Golf Course Superintendent:  Eric David, GCSAA


Pro Shop:  410-293-9747




FORMAT/QUALIFYING PLACES:  Stroke play competition conducted over 18 holes.  The field of 99 contestants will compete for FIVE (5) qualifying places and two (2) alternate positions in the U. S. Junior Amateur Championship to be played July 25-30 at the Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Dunes) in Bandon, Oregon.


REGISTRATION: There is no formal registration.  Players are to report to their assigned starting tee, ready to play, 10 minutes before their starting times.   


STARTING TIMES:  Starting times are available on the event portal HERE.  The event portal may also be accessed via the Golf Genius app which is available on your phone’s app/play store.  Search for - USGA TM App – select the Golf Genius app – download it for free.  To login, the GGID ID for the qualifier is JunAmNavy.  First time is 730 AM and all play starts at #1 tee.


Note – All tournament docs, including approximate yardages you will play from, will be available on the event portal HERE.


PLAYOFF:  In the event of a tie for the last qualifying places or alternates, there will be a hole-by-hole playoff to determine the final qualifiers and the 1st and 2nd alternate if necessary. All announcements regarding the play-off will be made at the public scoreboard upon completion of the qualifying round. 


FOOTWEAR: Rule 4.3 is modified in this way: During a round, a player must not wear shoes with traditionally designed spikes (regardless of composition, i.e., ceramic, plastic, etc.) or spikes, of any design, comprised either entirely or partially of metal (if such metal may come in contact with the course).  Penalty for breach of this Local Rule: See Rule 4.3. 


DRIVERS/GOLF BALLS: The Local Rule for Conforming Driver Heads is in effect, See Model Local Rule G-1. The Local Rule requiring that all golf balls used be on the List of Conforming Golf Balls is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-3. Please check the USGA website, www.usga.org, for a list of approved golf balls and drivers. The “One Ball Rule” is in effect.  See Model Local Rule G-4. 


GROOVES:  The players clubs must conform to the grooves and punch mark specifications in The Rules of Golf that are effective from January 1, 2010.  See Model Local Rule G-2.


DMDS: The use of distance-measuring devices (DMD) to measure distance only (Rule 4.3) is permitted in all USGA qualifying rounds.  Be certain to disable any slope function!


PACE OF PLAY: It is a condition that player must play without undue delay and in accordance with guidelines established by committee.  Guidelines are on the event portal and will be distributed to each player at the first tee prior to their start. 


EVACUATION PLAN:  In the event of a discontinuance of play during the qualifier, players must adhere to the evacuation plan distributed by the Committee and included in the time allocation doc available on the portal.


PRACTICE ROUND AVAILABILITY:  Practice round reservations must be made by calling the golf shop at 410-293-9747.  Practice rounds are for players only.  Parents, caddies, coaches, or friends are not permitted to play along during the practice round.


Practice rounds are available beginning June 1 and through June 13, after 1200 noon.  Practice rounds are not available on Fridays.  Blocks of time will be set aside on the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - June 11 - 13 - just before the qualifying date on those afternoons for players.


Cart fee for practice round (must have a driver’s license) is $28.00.  A chit for the range ball machine can be purchased in the pro shop with cash or credit card.  All players must check in prior to play.  


PRACTICE FACILITIES/RANGE BALLS - Day of Qualifying:  The pro shop and practice facility will be open at 6:30 AM on the day of qualifying.  A chit for the range ball machine may be purchased in the pro shop with cash or credit card.  Cost is $4.00 for a large bucket of golf balls.


CADDIES:  You may carry your bag or bring your own caddie (see restrictions below).  There are no caddies at the club.  You may bring and use a pull/pushcart.  A limited number of very rudimentary pushcarts are available at the club.  Clubs may not be transported on a motorized riding cart by a caddie.


FOR U.S. JUNIOR AMATEUR QUALIFYING:  Rule 10.3a is modified in this way: A player must not have a parent, step parent or guardian as his or her caddie during the Round. Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which he or she is helped by such a caddie. If the breach happens or continues between two holes, the player gets the general penalty for the next hole.


Spectator Carts are not permitted.


CARTS:  Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a round unless authorized by the Committee.


GOLF SHOP/LOCKER ROOM/PRACTICE AREAS:  Club facilities will open at 630 AM.  19th Hole will open at 1100 AM.


CODE OF CONDUCT:  As set forth in the USGA application, the code of conduct applies to all USGA Qualifying and Championships. 

PERSONAL APPEARANCE:  Contestants and caddies must be neat in appearance.  Short shorts, tee shirts, tank tops and blue jeans are prohibited.  Shirts must have collars.  Bermuda length shorts may be worn.


CELL PHONE POLICY:  All players/caddies are advised that the use of cellular/Smart phones for phone calls/emails/texts/messaging on the course is permitted as long as it is done so within the confines of Rule 4.3.


All players are expected to keep their phones in silent mode while on the course. If a player consistently disregards his fellow competitors or opponent to their detriment, the Committee will take appropriate disciplinary action.


In the case of serious breach misconduct, the Committee may disqualify a player under Rule 1.2. There could be a penalty for undue delay (Rule 5.6).  Players are expected to adhere to the highest standards of conduct on the course.


FOOD SERVICE:  Breakfast will not be available.  Lunch (light fare, snacks, and sandwiches) will be available in the 19th Hole which is located in the basement of the white schoolhouse building adjacent to the practice range.  Credit card only for payment. The 19th hole will open at 1100 AM.


There is a food court with Subway and Panda Express outlets located in the Navy Exchange shopping facility which you pass when driving down the golf course entry road.


LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS:  There are plenty of hotels in the Annapolis area, most within a short drive to the golf course.  Search the web for your choice.


AWARD CEREMONY:  A silver medal will be awarded to the lowest scorer.  If there is a tie duplicate medals will be awarded.



Michael Cumberpatch

Executive Director, Middle Atlantic Golf Association




If it becomes necessary to withdraw prior to the date of the competition, please contact Michael Cumberpatch (see contact info above) and the USGA at 908-326-1950 or champs@usga.org