2022 Golfplay Winter Ladies League
13 week league starting Tuesday, January 18 and ending the Tuesday, April 19
Tee times available 4:30; 5:00; 6:30; 7:00; 8:30; 9:00
Pick your day and time immediately after registration fee is paid
Select one player from the "Search for a Player" drop down list then hit "Select" beside your group's desired day and time
- Once you pick your day and time, that is yours for the entire 13 week season!
9 holes, individual score format
Each week, prizes will be awarded for: Top Gross score, Top Net Score (excluding week one), Closest to the Pin, Longest Putt. Plus a weekly draw for a Double-Par Nachos Platter!
9 Hole Rounds will be played on one of our 190+ courses. Different course every week!
Based on foursomes
Gross Skins Every Week!– $5 / week for those who wish to participate - bring cash please! (no handicaps will be used)
Entry fee Includes weekly & year-end prizes & administration
All players are responsible for maintaining pace of play so that the round of 9 holes is completed in the allotted time of 1 hour 55 minutes
- Yearly point totals are established by weekly ranking based on net scoring. Note that all net scores will be calculated using 80% of the Golfzon Handicap, adjusted for 9 holes
A Golfplay Winter Ladies League Net Champion will be crowned after the last week based on yearly point total.
We will crown a Golfplay Winter Ladies League Gross Champion based on average score for the season (must compete in 10 of 12 weeks to qualify)
Note – League fee of $125.00+HST/player is payable upon registration (registering foursomes). PLUS a weekly $25.00 + HST/player green fee every time you play.