WCSGA-2022 Tee Sheet

2022-6 - Thu, February 17

The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA / White
Time Hole Players
The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Cline, Joe
9:00 AM 1B White Coulson, Doug + Gordon, Richard + Tonrey, Frank
Cook, Jim
9:00 AM 14 White Randall, Rob + Tolson, Larry
Coulson, Doug
9:00 AM 1B White Cline, Joe + Gordon, Richard + Tonrey, Frank
Gordon, Richard
9:00 AM 1B White Cline, Joe + Coulson, Doug + Tonrey, Frank
Haggard, Doc
9:00 AM 18B White Pompa, Frank + Thorpe, Tom
Johnson, Jim
9:00 AM 18A White Koscinski, Tim
Koscinski, Tim
9:00 AM 18A White Johnson, Jim
Leal, John
9:00 AM 1A White Machendrie, Ed + Sanchez, Anthony
Machendrie, Ed
9:00 AM 1A White Leal, John + Sanchez, Anthony
Nichols, Mike
9:00 AM 17A White Roddam, Cliff + Ward, Rich
Phillips, Tom
9:00 AM 16 White Thomas, Jerry
Pompa, Frank
9:00 AM 18B White Haggard, Doc + Thorpe, Tom
Ramsbottom, David
9:00 AM 15 White Tower, Thomas
Randall, Rob
9:00 AM 14 White Cook, Jim + Tolson, Larry
Roddam, Cliff
9:00 AM 17A White Nichols, Mike + Ward, Rich
Sanchez, Anthony
9:00 AM 1A White Leal, John + Machendrie, Ed
Thomas, Jerry
9:00 AM 16 White Phillips, Tom
Thorpe, Tom
9:00 AM 18B White Haggard, Doc + Pompa, Frank
Tolson, Larry
9:00 AM 14 White Cook, Jim + Randall, Rob
Tonrey, Frank
9:00 AM 1B White Cline, Joe + Coulson, Doug + Gordon, Richard
Tower, Thomas
9:00 AM 15 White Ramsbottom, David
Vicain, James
9:00 AM 13 White Watts, Michael
Ward, Rich
9:00 AM 17A White Nichols, Mike + Roddam, Cliff
Watts, Michael
9:00 AM 13 White Vicain, James