Message from your President


New Year Kick-Off Coffee was Tuesday January 3

There was information available about 2023 KWGA activities. Hope you enjoyed the food and camaraderie with your KWGA friends. Note, some calendars may be missing 1 of our 4 General Meetings. General Meetings will be on Jan 10, May 9, Sept 12, and Oct 31. Please make note of them and we will get 9 and 18 Hole Calendars posted on Golf Genius Website soon. And if you couldn’t attend the Coffee, there will be opportunities to sign up for Hole in One and Horse Races at the Playdays in January.


Next KWGA activity: Tuesday January 10

Check-in time: 9-Hole League 8:00-8:20 & 18-Hole League 7:40-8:20

First General Meeting of the year at 8:30 AM in the Upper & Lower Ballroom. Every member of the KWGA is encouraged to attend. Then afterwards, both the 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will each play their Welcome Back Scrambles. AND there will be Birthday cake in Ladies Locker Room to celebrate January birthday girls!


General Meeting Agenda: Reports by President Joan Rendl; 1st VP Play Day Chair Bette McDermott; 2nd VP Handicap Rules & Pairings Chair Bev Henderson; 3rd VP Tournament Chair Carrie Faulkner; 4th VP 9-Hole League Chair Cheree Alexander; Social Chair Maryrose Lebus; Treasurer Kakie Palmer.


Below are previous Meeting Minutes. Please review them as first item on the Jan 10, 2023, General meeting Agenda will be to approve these minutes as follows:


KWGA General Membership Meeting Minutes from Tuesday, November 8, 2022


OPENING THE MEETING:  President Nicole Goldman called the meeting to order at 8:31 AM. The minutes from the previous General Membership Meeting were approved as written.


OLD / NEW BUSINESS 9- & 18-HOLE LEAGUE    KWGA President Nicole Goldman                         

Without any nominations received from the membership, Janet Schroeder presented the 2023 KWGA Slate of Officers: 

President - Joan Rendl

1st VP, Play Day Chair - Bette McDermott

2nd VP, Handicap Rules & Pairings Chair - Bev Henderson

3rd VP, Tournament Chair - Carrie Faulkner

4th VP, 9-Hole League Chair - Cheree Alexander

Social Chair - Maryrose Lebus/Kristin Shelton

Secretary - Carol Kollehner

Treasurer - Kakie Palmer

Past President/Parliamentarian - Nicole Goldman

It was moved and seconded that the nominees presented by the nominating committee be elected. With a quorum of KWGA members present, the vote was unanimous in favor of the nominees. Nicole congratulated the KWGA Slate of Officers and thanked the candidates for their willingness to help KWGA to continue to thrive and grow.

Nicole thanked the Nominating Committee members: Janet Schroeder (Chair), Diane McMahon, Angie Swanagon, and Cheree Alexander for participating in this important process.


Nicole made the following announcements:

This year’s Christmas Brunch and Year-End Awards will be held in the Main Ballroom on December 13, 2022. Sign-Ups will be sent electronically. If you sign up a whole table, make clear to your friends that you will sign them up. Last year we had a lot of double sign ups and needed to correct that by hand. So please just sign up only once.


Nicole recognized Angie Swanagon and Cheree Alexander for their hard work on the Pink Tournament this year. This was a hugely successful event due to their efforts! The prizes were donations from Dick Smith, Bill Ceriello and Angie Swanagon.


The KWGA Club Championship was held in September. Nicole recognized our 2022 18-Hole League Champion who played 3 consecutive days: Angie Swanagon and our 2022 9-Hole League Champion who played 2 days, Karen Gallagher. Well done ladies.


Christmas Decoration of the Clubhouse is on Monday, November 28, 2022. Let Annette Wood know that you want to come help! It will be lots of fun!


The Volunteer Tournament will be on December 9, 2022. Tim will send out an invite on Golf Genius. Please check Volunteer point list or with Annette if your name is missing.



Treasurer’s Report: Joan Rendl. The money we have in our bank account is allocated for Member Guest expenses not yet paid, as well as its surplus that will carryover to 2023. Also, for the Minimum bank balance set aside, contingency reserve, cumulative surplus, the Horse Races and Hole in One pots. Plus, we have an operating budget of $11,105 and we have spent 15% of it so far. We plan that 82% of our budget will be spent in December when we have the Mystery Event, give out the play day payouts, Year-End awards, the Club champion trophies and pendants and have the Year End brunch. CURRENT MEMBERSHIP: 168 (9-hole: 59 - 18-hole: 109). With the approval of the new Officers the Bank Account Owner's name will remain as Kingwood Women's Golf Association, but the Account Address should be changed to the Incoming Treasurer's address.


Nine Hole Chair: Cheree Alexander. We have 2 new members: Ara Kirby and Christina Bradford. Horse Race: Thank you Debbie Bradley! Announced the names of the contenders and their jockeys as well as the helpers on the course. We are all looking forward to having a great day of fun next Tuesday, November 15, 2022. On request the 9-Hole League may quietly leave the room but are more than welcome to stay.


Playday Chair: Bette McDermott (absent). Nicole reported for her that scorecards are being turned in mostly correct.


Pairings Chair: Carol Feller. Everything has been running fairly smoothly. Just a reminder – the official deadline each week to sign up is noon on Sunday. If you need to cancel or add after that, please email both Tim Lovell AND me ( That way we can double check that your message has been received and the pairings can be adjusted if necessary.


Tournament Chair: Brenda Candelet (absent. Read aloud by Carol Feller). Rain did not stop play this time for our annual Member/Guest tournament which finally happened on October 4th and 5th. We originally thought that 25 teams was the number to shoot for but having an entry field of 23 teams for this event seemed to be a very workable number. With a field of 92 players, no double starts were needed on tee boxes and so, as best as possible, pace of play seemed acceptable. I was unable to be present for both days - therefore I have so much appreciation for the ladies who were heavily involved in making this event the success I have heard it was. Patti Kramer, Ginger Dieter, Kristin Shelton, Maryrose Lebus, Annette Wood, Joan Rendl and Nan Johnston, along with oh so many volunteers all gave time and effort to ensure this tournament happened without too many slip-ups. Our Kingwood staff, namely Dick Smith, Tim Lovell, Kelly Paul, Jeremy, Bruce and William were extremely giving of their time and offers of help, and we are grateful for their input. The Member/Guest committee all met just days after the tournament to look at what went right and what we need to improve on for next year, and yes, I am aware the Cocktail Party food needs upscaling in a big way! I am always open to hearing what we got wrong, so please don’t hesitate to contact me. Joan has patiently worked with the club, waiting for all the relevant M/G charges to be applied, and finally we have a figure I can announce. Thanks to generous donations from members and a very successful raffle, we are able to carry forward $3559.06 to next year’s Member/Guest. This year’s MG committee have all offered to continue working on our 2023 Member Guest and we already have ideas flowing as to how to improve on this year’s event. The annual Turkey Shoot Tournament is just weeks away, scheduled for November 22nd. Golf Genius will be accepting sign-ups for this 4-person team event from November 9th. The KWGA calendar listed this as an ABCD format, but I have opted to make it a bit more interesting, as those of you who have opened my recent email will know. December 6th is the final tournament of 2022, the Mystery Event, which will remain just that, a mystery until playday. Fingers crossed for good weather on the day and 18 holes of fun and laughter.


Social Chair: Maryrose Lebus. The Christmas Brunch and Year-End Awards will be on December 13, 2022, starting at 8:30 AM with a Mimosa and Bloody Mary bar. The Buffet will open at 9:00 AM.



Birthday Cake: Karen Sisler. All is good.


Divot Day: Pola Lavin. The COK has opened up more days in the Fall.


Hole-in-One Club: Nicole Goldman/ Joan Rendl. The pot is at $405, there are 3 players that have Hole-in-Ones. The pot is open until December 31, 2022 and can be made on any course.


Horse Race: Debbie Bradley. We are ready to run. Debbie announced the contenders and their jockeys. It will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, with a 9:30 tee off. We will need spectators and a few more volunteer positions are needing to be filled. There will be a Welcome Bar available.


Ladies Cup Challenge: Loretta Ilges. We had a lot of fun, and we were close to our division finishing in 1st place. Angie Swanagon will be the new captain in 2023. Nicole expressed her appreciation to Loretta for being the captain for 10 years.


Member Guest: Ginger Dieter & Patti Kramer. Thanks to everyone that played. Any changes needed let them know. Next Member/Guest will be May 23-24, 2023, on the Forest Course. Annette is accepting donations.


Northwoods Interclub Rep: Nicole Goldman Rep, Carrie Faulkner, Asst. Rep.

Next year we will be hosting the first tournament on January 26, 2023. The first 11 players signed up will play for points. Everybody else can sign up to have fun and win some money. Further details to follow.


Saturday Playday: Kakie Palmer. We have a great core group that comes out to play. Let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the email list.


T.S.W.G.A.: Ginger Dieter. This is for Senior Women over 50 with a handicap of 36 or under. It’s a lot of fun with Match play over 5 days if you go all the way. There are changes in the works to change up the flights so there is at least one day of play, to speed up play and accommodate more clubs to hold tournaments. Send Ginger an email if you would like to sign up so she can forward your name to TSWGA to get on the invitation email. The next tournament will be at Walden on Lake Houston April 30-May 5, 2023. It’s a lot of fun and you will meet lots of ladies from all over the state. You can also get information and sign up on their website at



Ginger Dieter announced she has the envelope and will be accepting tips to give to Tim Lovell at the Year-End Brunch.


Mary Tomes asked for an update on considering a year-round 9am Playday start time for the KWGA. Brenda Simmons responded that the Board discussed this last week and will be sending out an electronic survey, with this question included, the day before the Year-End Brunch to be open for 2 weeks then the new President and Board can see the feedback and make an informed decision regarding the calendar.


Patti Kramer asked that a new local play day rule be added to the survey in regard to moving your ball out of fairway divots.




Calendar Look-Ahead for the 9 and 18 Leagues

January 17, 2023: both 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will have their first Ace of Aces Playday.

January 24, 2023: both 9 & 18 Hole Leagues will have Playday game Odds.


COK Golf Committee request

COK is soliciting feedback on the location (distances) of the 18 Green (Beginner) Tees on the Lake Course prior to them taking final measurements in order to get course and slope ratings completed. If you have any feedback on the locations (distances), provide to Dick Smith in Pro Shop, by January 15th.