2022 Men's Spring Wappoo Member-Guest



On behalf of The Country Club of Charleston and the Wappoo Committee, we welcome you to the 2022 Spring Wappoo Member-Guest. The 9-hole match around format will be used again this year which is always fun and competitive. We welcome a very strong field!


All tournament information can be found here on the tournament website.  The Wappoo Committee has planned an exciting week beginning with Stag Night on Thursday, a fun filled few days of golf and the Spring Fling Friday night.


We hope you enjoy the event and we wish you the best of luck in your matches.  If the Golf Staff can do anything for you during the tournament, please let us know. Again, thank you for participating in the 2022 Spring Wappoo Member-Guest.




Spring Wappoo Co-Chairmen

Justin Boulware

Ted Brisson









1.  FORMAT - 9-hole matches using net better ball.


2.  FLIGHTING - The flights have been determined by combined handicap indexes of the two players.


Death Flight: Teams accumulating the lowest point total within their flight (and ties) on day one will be put in the Death Flight. The winner of the Death Flight will be determined by the team that has the highest two-day total and will advance to the shootout.


3.  HANDICAPS - 9-hole handicaps will be used. In each match, all player's will receive 100% of their 9-hole course handicap (front or back). The lowest handicap player in each match will play at scratch, and the other three players will receive 100% of the difference. Every player’s handicap was collected on Tuesday, April 19th, and we will use the player’s lowest handicap index within the last six months. In addition, the max 9-hole course handicap a player is given is 9.


4.  MATCHES - Each team will play a nine-hole match against every other team in their flight using net best ball. Matches will begin from the assigned tee and continue for nine holes on the same side, as the starting hole (i.e. a match beginning on hole #5 consists of holes 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9, 1, 2, 3 and 4).  Handicap strokes will be given on the most difficult holes played. 


5.  SCORING - Points will be earned by each team according to the following formula. Point totals for each match will be 9 points.


                                                Winning a hole - 1 point

                                                Tying a hole - 1/2 point

                                                Losing a hole - 0 points


Flight winners are determined by the total points of each team after all matches have been played.  Scorecards must be signed and returned to the Golf Staff. The card must show the best ball net score and points won by that team.


6.  TIES - In the event of a tie in a flight, the winning team will be determined by the point totals from the match between those teams that are tied. If that results in a tie, the teams shall be matched hole by hole using net best ball beginning on the lowest handicap hole played in the match and continuing to the next lowest handicap hole in the match. This will determine the flight winner.  Buyout and pari-mutuel money will be split.


7.  WEATHER - A minimum of two matches in each flight must be completed in order to award prizes and to distribute all monies. Teams win points for a match only if the entire flight has completed play in that match. If play is suspended you may complete play of hole.


8.  NO SHOWS & LATE STARTS - If one player on a team is not ready to start his match on time, his partner must proceed without him. The player may join the match after it has begun. If a team does not show for a match, that team will receive 0 points and the opposing team will receive 6 points. A late team may complete their match if they arrive in time for their second hole (loss of first hole) to be played. Otherwise they will be classified as a “NO SHOW”. A team may not forfeit a match on purpose. If they do, that team will be disqualified from the tournament.


9.  PRIZES - Prizes will be awarded to the overall shootout winner and 1st place in each flight.


10.  SHOOTOUT - After all matches are complete on Saturday, there will be a shootout among the flight winners to determine the overall champion. Also, the team that captures the highest point total in the field from the “Death Flight” will advance to the shootout. The format for the shootout will be true alternate shot using 50% of the team total handicap (odd numbers rounded up) playing holes 16, 17 and 18. All teams will start on 16, with team members choosing who will tee off. Four teams will be eliminated after completing 16 (putt offs for ties). Seven teams will play 17, with the team members keeping the same alternating order from 16 green to 17 tee. Three teams will be eliminated (putt offs for ties) after completing 17. The remaining four teams will play 18, again alternating in order from 17, to determine the overall champion. If there is a tie after 18, all teams that are tied will play 18 again. We will continue playing 18 until a winner is crowned. If there is a tie for runner-up, there will be a putt off on hole 18 to determine second place.


NOTE:  Only the Committee may ask for a stroke to be conceded.



11.  TEAM BUYOUT (MANDATORY) - All betting must be paid in cash before start of first round. The buyout is $400 per team. The team buyout will pay the top two teams within each flight as well as overall shootout winner and runner-up. Ties will be split within the flight.   


Buyout Money Distribution:

10% of total monies from buyout to Overall Shootout Champion and Runner-up


85% of total monies will go towards the Flight payout

-65% will go to 1st Place in Flight

-35% will go to 2nd place in Flight


5% to Prizes


12. PARI-MUTUELS - Bets of $20.00 per share (unlimited). Bets will be placed on the team you think will win their flight. There is no field bet. Flight winner payouts will be based on total monies bet in the flight and ties will be split. If there are no bets on the winning team, then the money will be paid to the next highest point total team.