OFWW Board of Directors


Meeting Minutes


February 8, 2022




Edwin Goldman (President), Greg Jensen (VP), David Wenner (Secretary), Brent Johnston (IT Support), David Bradley (Lakes Team Captain)


Frank Zampello (Treasurer), Jack Alexander (Communications), Tom Lyda (Statistics), Joe Blankenship (Marsh Team Captain), Stan Coburn (Tournaments)


Minutes of the Meeting:

    1. Secretary: David Wenner
      1. Reviewed Minutes of the January 18, 2022 meeting.  Edwin motioned to accept as presented and Greg seconded - motion passed.
    2. Treasurer - Frank Zampello (via email)
      1. Haven’t received Club Corps accounting update yet, however receipts YTD are exceeding budget.
      2. Confirmed InterClub Teams payments have been made to the team Captains - $290 total to each team included donut funds.
      3. Need to review the Club Corps billing / credit process as several members mentioned discrepancies in January bills - Edwin will discuss with Frank.
    3. Membership - Jack Alexander (No update)
    4. Tournaments - Stan Coburn (No update)
    5. Inter club: Lake - Dave Bradley
      1. Captains meeting planned for Thursday - play begins the end of February.
    6. Vice President: Greg Jensen
      1. Verified Hole in One Pot payout process with Tim - he will confirm with Greg before initiating payouts.
      2. Greg met with several members to gather input regarding the club guidelines for selecting which Tee to play during Play Days and Bashes.  The Following guidelines were proposed: For Bash events where members play their own ball tee to green, recommend playing whichever Tee the player selects based on current rules (may play Silver tees if eligible).  For Bashes where handicaps are averaged - recommend that only those players meeting the Age + Handicap total greater than 90 are eligible to play the Silver tees.  Also consider paying out two “closest to the pin” awards when a Bash includes a closest to the pin contest - one from the White tee and one from the Silver tee.  David B. suggested also considering moving White tees forward nearer the Silver tees on particularly long holes.  Greg will summarize the recommendations for the full BOD to undertake further discussion at the next meeting.

6. Statistics: Tom Lyda (No Report)


8. Website: Brent Johnston

    1. All core information is on GolfGenius - reminder for BOD members to review and provide feedback to Brent if anything unusual is seen.  Would like to Target shutting down the current Website in March to eliminate duplicate updating.
  1. 9. President: Edwin Goldman
    1. No Updates

10. Meeting Close

             David motioned to close,  Greg seconded - meeting closed at 4:32 PM

Action Items:

    1. Include a reminder that payouts will be made monthly starting in January 2022 in the February 2022 Newsletter. Members will need to track expected payouts and verify correct total amounts are applied. (Jack)
    2. Provide current InterClub team rosters to Brent (Dave and Joe) (COMPLETE)
    3. Highlight 2022 “Limited” play days in future Newsletter (Jack)
    4. Consider automated play day groupings in Golf Genius (Brent) - Tim is still doing this, not sure if its done manually or automated by GG.  Brent will confirm with Tim.
    5. Summarize Divot Day process in February Newsletter (Edwin) (COMPLETE)


Future Agenda Topics:

June Meeting:

    1. Consider whether to propose a membership vote on raising play day fees to $5 from $3 and increase payout amounts as well at the November 2022 annual meeting