November 9, 2021


  1. Steve Hendricksen presided and called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.
  2. Election of Officers
    1. Candidates nominated by the Board
      1. President – Edwin Goldman, as per previous bylaw approval
      2. Vice President – Greg Jensen
      3. Secretary – David Wenner
      4. Tournament Director – Stan Coburn
      5. Communications/Membership – Jack Alexander
    2. Since there were no additional nominations from the floor Thornton House move that candidates nominated by the Board be elected by acclimation.  Motion seconded by David Bradley.  Motion Passed.
  3. Bylaw changes
    1. Steve led a general discussion of the proposed changes and why the Board thought them necessary. Due to the Covid-19 situation, changes and improvements were required to various OFWW operating procedures such as Playday sign-up, scoring and elimination of cash collections and payouts, most of which were spelled out in the previous Bylaws. Since it had been several years since the bylaws had been revised, the Board felt it was appropriate to review and modify the current bylaws to reflect current operating procedures and to clarify which decisions could be made by the Board and which would require Membership approval. During the review process several improvements were identified, such as the previously approved addition of a ninth Board member and change of Board member terms to 2 years and staggering of terms to ensure continuity. The remaining changes were generally made to improve the organization of the bylaws. A motion was made by David Bradley to approve the revised bylaws and was seconded by Frank Zampello. Motion Passed.
    2. 2022 Budget
    3. Steve introduced a proposal to increase the annual OFWW dues from $15 to $30 per year and add $5 to current Bash fees to fund more post-Bash social events. Walt Schroeder inquired about the actual 2021 results. Frank Zampello gave general update and explained that due to the movement of more funds through OFWW’s account with KCC it was taking a bit longer to finalize the financial results. A full report will be posted to the OFWW website for the full year 2021 when available. Motion made by Kent Dixon to raise the annual dues to $30 and seconded by George Reed. Motion Passed. Motion made by Larry Polich and seconded by Kent Dixon to raise Bash fee from $5 to $10. Motion Passed.
  4. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM.