OFWW Newsletter April 2022


Message from President

It seems like every newsletter I start off with something about last month’s Bash. This time it was including lunch and drinks and 93 participants showed up to play and eat lunch!!! The kitchen even needed to get an additional supply of hamburgers.  Wow, wow and wow.

I don’t think that (m)any of us can remember when the OFWW had that many participants at a Bash. Tremendous start to the new year! This is a great turnout and I hope that this participation level continues.

You will have noticed that the transition from our old OFWW website to Golf Genius has continued to progress. All Play Day and Bash sign-ups are now going through GG. Playday and Bash  results can be found there also. We are no longer posting a “Play day Winners Sheet” as the full Playday file including winnings are on the GG portal under the tab “Play Day/Bash Leader Board Results” where you can just pull up the date of play and find the scores as well as individual winnings.

One last thing as a reminder, we have made 2 rule changes this month: Firstly, on Playdays on the Island Course anybody can play any tees they want including forward tees without restrictions. Just make sure you indicate that on the T sheet when you sign up.

Secondly the lift, clean and place rule was extended from February 28th to March 31st in view of continuing winterish weather issues impacting course playing conditions.

At this point these are temporary rules adopted by the Board that may be voted on at the Annual Meeting to become permanent By Law changes.

Hope we all get to enjoy great spring golfing weather the next few months.

“Golf is a game where the ball always lies poorly and the player always lies well.” Unkown

Edwin Goldman.


OFWW Interclub

It is not too late to sign up if you want to join one of our interclub teams.

The Kingwood OFWW has two teams that participate in the "North Houston Retired Senior Men's Golf Association".  Each team plays home and away matches at other participating clubs.  It is a great way to meet people, participate in exciting competitions and play different clubs for just a cart fee.   

Joe Blankenship - Captain Marsh Team  (joeblankenship54@gmail.com)


David Bradley - Captain Lake Team  (dandbbradley@outlook.com)


Or reply to OFWWkingwood2022@Gmail.com and one of the captains will contact you.


The season started at the end of February.    As of March 17th each team was 1-2-0 and the matches have been hotly contested. 


Divot Day

Our remaining divot days are currently scheduled for the following Wednesdays:


April 13 - ISLAND

May 11 – FOREST


Reminder e mails with sign up procedures will go out before each of the divot days.  Sign up is through  Golf Genius.  You should have received the sign up e mail Monday February 21st  as follows:    



Play Days

The play days are a great way to have a tournament type competition and win some money.   Stroke play in one of 3 flighted fields for a very small entry fee.    You sign up for any available tee time and you can meet other golfers by signing up to play with different golfers each time.

You can also find the results for each play day under the results tab on the OFWW website.

Couple of things to note:

You do not need to check in at the pro shop before the play day.   The starter notes the information for billing.

You must enter your score in the Golf Genius app.   You do not need to turn in a paper scorecard.

You do not need to enter your score into the GHIN system.   The pro shop transfers it over.

Payouts for winning are now credited to your golf shop credit book account once a month.  Players should check the amounts to verify they are correct.   Questions about the amounts should go to Tim.


The play day schedule for April is:

Apr 5 - Marsh Playday 

Apr 7 - NP - 2x Interclub on Forest

Apr 12 - BASH - Island

Apr 14 - Forest Playday 

Apr 19 - Island Playday

Apr 21 - NP - 2x Interclub on Island

Apr 26 - Lake Playday 

Apr 28 - Marsh Playday



April Bash

Sign up will be using Golf Genius.   You should have received an e mail with the sign-up link.


2022 Bash Schedule

The monthly bashes are a team event and a great way to meet new people and compete for slightly higher cash prizes.

The bashes are generally held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9am except for January (3rd Tuesday) and December (1st Tuesday).

January 18 - LAKE (3rd Tuesday)

February 8 - MARSH

March 8 - FOREST

April 12 - ISLAND

May 10 - MARSH

June 14 - ISLAND

July 12 - FOREST 

August 9 - LAKE 

September 13 - ISLAND

October 11 - MARSH

November 8 - FOREST

December 6 - LAKE (1st Tuesday at 9:30 for Holiday Bash)

*Subject to change by golf shop with notice!


March Bash Results

The March bash turned out to be great fun despite being delayed for a week because of bad weather and then cart path only because of rain the night before.   After the bash we all convened at Lakeside Terrace for a hamburger lunch and good conversations.  

Please feel free to send Stan a note with any comments or suggestions.  Stancoburn@embarqmail.com.



Hole in One

Congratulations to Stan Coburn for a hole in one on Saturday March 14th on #14 of the Forest Course.   It was a wind day and Stan used a 6 iron from 120 yards.   The shot was witnessed by Joe Blakenship, Tom Lyda and Steve Borys.

Congratulations Stan!

Golf Genius OFWW Member Portal

All of the content on the old OFWW Web Site has been moved to the Golf Genius Member Portal. Please visit the GG OFWW Member Portal in a browser at https://golfgenius.com   or using the GG App every once in a while.   Lots of good information, play day and bash results, event sign up and other information. Updates and Training materials, including FAQs to help with the complete transition to Golf Genius (GG) can be found under the “News” tab.


2022 OFWW Officers

Please feel free to reach out to any of the officers with your questions, comments, and suggestions.   The board works hard with the club pros, primarily Tim, to run the play days, bashes, and other events. 

2022 OFWW Officers

President                             Edwin Goldman

VP                                         Greg Jensen

Secretary                             David Wenner

Treasurer                            Frank Zampello

Tournaments                     Stan Coburn

IT Support                         Brent Johnston

Lake Team Captain          David Bradley

Marsh Team Captain       Joe Blankenship

Communications              Jack Alexander