Turkey Shoot 2022

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Poquoy Brook Golf Club


2 player scramble




Choose your tee.  

This is a flighted Gross/Net Payout tournament

33% of combined handicap, using the World Handicap System


Member Entry Fee $30
•    Guests invited;  Entry Fee $50 all guests
•    Entry fee does not include; golf fees & optional side pools. 
•    Pay for golf at www.poquoybrook.com
•    DEADLINE FOR ENTRY FORMS AND FEES is Monday the week of the tournament.


The maximum handicap for this event is 30.  


The World Handicap System requires full precision to be maintained in
intermediary calculations. Rounding is performed only once and as the last step.


All fees must be paid prior to the event.  If they are not paid there is a $10 late fee.  We typically have optional cash side pools on the day of the event. 


Guest program -  Each member may invite a total of 3 guests for the season.  Guests may play no more than 2 tournaments (plus the Dutra).  The guest fee is higher in order to contribute to the prize pool dues allotment.  

The team cost is $80 with a guest.

When you register a guest for the event, send a separate email to poquoytournament@gmail.com with Guest Name, GHIN/Handicap etc, email & affiliation, or state.  

Players are encouraged to sign up as single players, we will match you up.  


Choose your tee option

This event defaults to the White tee box
You may move up or back
Gold Tee - if you qualify
Gold tee players must be 1 of the following--
1) 60+ old AND 15+ handicap
2) 20+ handicap and any age
Blue tees -- anyone can play

Handicap calculated from tee box played.  
This also determines your flight



Sign up as a single and we will pair you up


The World Handicap System requires full precision to be maintained in intermediary calculations. Rounding is performed only once and as the last step.



Handicap for player 1- index is 15.7.
This player is on the White tee, the slope is 125, the rating is 70.2 and the par is 72.
The Course Handicap is calculated as index X slope / 113 = 15.7 X 125 / 113 = 17.367. 
The CR - P adjustment of 70.2 - 72 = -1.8 is applied. 
The resulting Course Handicap of PLAYER 1 is 15.567.

Handicap for Player 2 - index is 8.7.
This player is on the White tee, the slope is 125, the rating is 70.2 and the par is 72.
The Course Handicap is calculated as index X slope / 113 = 8.7 X 125 / 113 = 9.623. 
The CR - P adjustment of 70.2 - 72 = -1.8 is applied.  
The resulting Course Handicap of PLAYER 2 is 7.823.

PLAYER 1 + PLAYER 2 combined Playing Handicap

is calculated as 33% of individual Course Handicaps. 
(15.567 + 7.823= 23.39 X .33 ) = 7.718 =   8 Rounded up.

The team will get 8 strokes