Golf Genius Instructions
- Go to your app store on your Android or iPhone. Search “Golf Genius”. Download the app (orange icon).
- When you receive your printed scorecard, open the mobile app on your phone.
- Enter the GGID found below the Game Format on your printed scorecard. Every team will have its own GGID. (Do not enter your email or any password)
- Click on your name.
- Enter the correct GROSS score for all of the players. If a player is a no-show, leave his score blank. No X's.
- After scores are entered for a hole, click “Save Scores”. You will be directed to the next hole.
- To view the leaderboard, click on “Leader-board” on the top right.
- If a player does not finish a hole, click "X" + the number that gives him a NET double bogey (this is for posting purposes).
- After completing the round, all scores entered, you will be asked if you would like to proceed to the End of Round Summary page. Once taken to the End of Round Summary page, you can review and update (if needed) the full scorecard and results for all players in the group.
- After your round, the leaderboard can be accessed from the score entry page or the home page on the mobile app. As scores are being entered, you can view the live leaderboard for all the tournaments set up within that round.
- You no longer need to turn in the paper scorecard to the Pro Shop. Use the scorecard to attest the Golf Genius scores. When you and your teammates agree that the scores are correct, you may discard the paper scorecard.
- You may use whatever you like as a backup scorecard. I supply you with a scorecard. You can use Admiral Baker's app. You can use any other app you desire. Just know this................................................ THE SCORES ON THE GOLF GENIUS APP ARE THE OFFICIAL SCORES!! It will not be changed
for any reason except for one. I would hope that if someone got a 4 on #5 but was given a 3, he would notify me. That I would change. Not the other way around.
- Gentlemen, we are on the HONOR system here. Let's not show DISHONOR for a few bucks.