2018 CGA Women's Niblick Tournament





Omni Hotels & Resorts



Registration Opens June 1, 2018


Host Facility: Omni Interlocken Golf Club

Vista/Sunshine Courses


Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 


Registration Deadline: August 10, 2018


Entry Fee: $180 Per Team 


Format: 4-Ball Stroke Play – Two competitors play as partners, each playing her own ball. The lower of the partner’s scores is the team score for the hole. Teams are pre-flighted according to combined Course Handicap (based on the August 15 revision) with approximately 8 teams per flight. An Overall Low Net Team will be crowned.


Handicap Details: 20.0 minimum and 36.0 maximum.  If you fall below a 20 between when you register and the revision date we are using (August 15), you will no longer be eligible to participate.  If your handicap goes above a 36.0, it will be reduced to a 36.0. 

NOTE: It is recommended that partners play within 8 strokes of each other. If the difference between the two course handicaps is greater than 8, the course handicap of each partner will be reduced by an additional 10%. All players will compete at 95% of handicap


Field Size: 56 teams (112 players) 

NOTE: Tournament is filled on a first come, first served basis using the registration date and time. If a tournament is oversubscribed, a wait list will be maintained in case of cancellation.


Tournament Yardage: Can be found above under the "Player Information" tab. 


Tournament Flights: Can be found above under the "Player Information" tab once complete. 


Cart/Caddies: Carts are required, included in entry. Caddies are not allowed


Prizes: Merchandise gift certificates are awarded for the top gross and net finishes within each flight. Ties for overall low net will be determined by matching cards. For all ties, the prize money is combined and divided equally among tied teams.


Practice Round Information: Tee times are subject to availability, can be made in advance by calling the pro shop at 303-464-9000. When making a tee time, identify yourself as a CGA Niblick participant. Pricing: $65 including cart and range balls. Note: These prices are ONLY available August 1 – August 20, Monday – Thursday anytime, holidays excluded.