Welcome to the 2022 Ladies Day Event Portal
Welcome to the 2022 Casper Ladies Golf Association - Tuesday Ladies Day - Golf Event Portal. On this portal you will be able to sign up for Ladies golf for every Tuesday thoughout the 2022 Season. Sign ups will open up on the Tuesday a week before the desired date of play at 11:00am and close the following Monday at 12:00pm, a day before the desired date of play. Example: if you wanted to play on Tuesday May 24th, the event portal will open for registration on Tuesday May 17th at 11:00am and registration will close on Monday May 23rd at 12:00pm. If you have any question, please call the Pro Shop 307-265-0767 ext. 2.
2022 Schedule of Events is coming soon!
Ladies Day Schedule of Events (Play of the Day)
2022 CCC LGA
May 3 T & F- Only count holes that begin with T or F, less ½ handicap.
May 10 Fab 4’s-Total of par 4’s, less ½ handicap.
May 17 Garbage Can Golf- Convert one hole on the front and one hole on the back to par less ½ handicap.
May 24 Odd Holes Count- Total of odd holes less ½ handicap.
May 31 Better 9-Choose front or back nine net score, whichever is better. Putts Count: Keep track of your putts and post separately on sheet provided.
June 7 Kick off-Team Play in the afternoon. Proshop will do pairings.
June 14 Hate ‘Em-Pick one par 3, one par 4, one par 5, adjust to par, less ½ handicap.
June 21 Twinkle Toes-Net scores on holes that begin with t-o-e-s: (1,2,3,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,17,18)
June 28 Criss Cross- Between hole #1 and #10, take your lowest gross score. Between Hole #2 and hole #11, take your lowest gross score. Follow this criss cross thru Holes #9 and #18. Total your 9 holes and subtract ½ handicap.
July 5 Mutt and Jeff- Count the 4 shortest and the 5 longest holes, less ½ handicap.
July 12 Fairway is Your Friend-4 points for hitting fairway less putts. Putts Count: Keep track of your putts and Post seperately on sheet provided.
July 19 Roll the Dice-Team play-Players are numbered 1-4, 5 is longest drive and 6 is shortest drive. Count the net score of the person whose number is rolled after everyone tees off. Roll the dice on each hole.
July 26 100 yards in-Count all shots from 100 yds in including putts. If you hit a shot at 110 yards, then you only count putts. If you have a range finder, please use it for your foursome. If you don’t have a rangefinder, use the 100 yard marker. Whichever you use, use it throughout all 18 holes. Putts Count: Keep track of your putts and Post seperately on sheet provided.
Aug 2 Pick your Poison-before you play, pick the nine holes you want to count- less ½ of your handicap.
Aug 9 Lowest of the Low. Low net wins.
Aug 16 Even Holes Count- Total of even holes less ½ of your handicap.
Aug 23 Potluck- All four players play their starting hole, holing out each ball. Proceed to the next teebox where there will be a piece of paper with a number on it: 1-4. The number tells you how many net scores to count on the previous hole. For example, your team starts on Hole #6. Your net scores are, 3,4,4, and 5. When you get to the teebox on #7, the number is 3. Your team total for Hole 6 is 11 (3+4+4). After you play Hole #7, you find a 1 on the number 8 teebox.. Only the lowest net score will count for Hole #7. Because all 4 scores might count on a hole, you may not pick up.
Aug 30- Aces Wild-Keep track of one putts. Most one putts win.
Sept 6 Beat The Pro. Bet against your pro. Your net against his gross. Putts Count: Keep track of your putts and post separately on sheet provided.
Sept 13 Last Blast-Team play in the afternoon. Pro Shop will do the pairings
Sept 20 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s- Count putts on par 3’s, net score on par 4’s, gross on par 5’s.
Sept 27 No Putts-Total score less putts. Same as 'field score'.