The following Local Rules and Terms of Competition, together with any additions or amendments published by the Singapore Golf Association (SGA) at the golf course, will apply to all SGA tournaments.


For the full text of any Local Rule referenced below, please refer to the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf effective January 2019.


*This set of local rules shall supersede those that are printed on the back of the scorecards.


Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty (loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play).


1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)

a. A ball is out of bounds when it is beyond any wall defining a boundary.

b. Internal out of bounds are not in play.

2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17) 
a. When a penalty area adjoins a boundary, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the boundary.


b. When a player's ball is found in or it is known or virtually certain to have come to rest in any penalty area where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area at a point that coincides with the boundary of the course, opposite side relief is available under Model Local Rule B-2.1.


Dropping Zones for Penalty Areas
Where a dropping zone is marked for a penalty area, it is an additional option for relief under the penalty of one stroke. The dropping zone is a relief area. A ball must be dropped in and come to rest in the relief area.


3. Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions) (Rule 16)
a. Ground Under Repair

  1. Any area bounded by a white line, including spectator crossing points where marked.
  2. Any area of damaged ground (e.g. caused by crowd or vehicle movement) that is considered by a referee to be abnormal.
  3. Grass-covered cable trenches.
  4. French drains (stone-filled drainage ditches).
  5. Seams of cut turf; Model Local Rule F-7 is in effect.


b. Immovable Obstructions

  1. White-lined areas and the immovable obstruction they tie into are treated as a single abnormal course condition.
  2. Landscaped garden areas and everything growing in them that are surrounded by an immovable obstruction are treated as a single abnormal course condition.
  3. Mats that are secured and all ramps covering cables.
  4. Roads or paths surfaced with woodchip or mulch. Individual pieces of woodchip are loose impediments.


c. Embedded Ball

    Rule 16.3 is modified in this way: No free relief is allowed for a ball embedded in the stacked turf

    face above a bunker.


4. Integral Objects
The following are integral objects from which free relief is not allowed:

  1. Bunker liners in their intended position.
  2. Wires, cables, wrappings or other objects where they are closely attached to trees or other permanent objects.
  3. Artificial retaining walls and pilings when located in penalty areas.


5. Clubs and Balls
a.  List of Conforming Driver Heads: Model Local Rule G-1 is in effect.
     Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of Local Rule: Disqualification.


b.  Groove and Punch Mark Local Rule G-2 is in effect.
     Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of Local Rule: Disqualification.


c.  List of Conforming Golf Balls: Model Local Rule G-3 is in effect.
     Penalty for breach of the Local Rule: Disqualification.


Note: An updated List of Conforming Clubs and Balls is available on www.randa.org.


6. Pace of Play (Rule 5.6)

Each hole has been given a maximum completion time based upon the length and difficulty of the hole. The maximum time allotted for the completion of 18 holes will be available prior to play from the Championship Office. Please ensure you obtain a copy of the Pace of Play Policy and read it carefully before playing. The Pace of Play Policy will be strictly enforced.





7. Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7)
The club’s siren will be used to suspend and resume play. All competitors are to follow the siren accordingly.


Note: When play is stopped for imminent danger, all practice areas will be immediately closed.


8. Practice (Rule 5.2) 
a. In match play, Rule 5.2a is modified in this way: A player must not practice on the competition course before or between rounds.


Note: ALL players are prohibited to practice in all the host club’s practice facilities after their game, from the first to final round.