
Player Roster

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School Name Last Name First Name
Brock Iannou Ava
Brock White Emily
Brock Moretto Julia
Brock Morris Matt
Brock Burgess Melanie
Brock Smith Tate
Carleton Ryan Daniel
Carleton Rouse Dylan
Carleton Harvie Emma
Carleton Goheen Josh
Carleton Warton Kyle
Carleton Rouse Ty
Guelph Oster Ella
Guelph Ferguson Jack
Guelph Giles Jacqueline
Guelph Allen Justin
Guelph Calzonetti Kate
Guelph Smith Kobe
Guelph Saly Pierce
Guelph Bauer Rachel
Guelph Ayora Xavier
Laurentian Naponse Conrad
Laurentian Kappel Melanie
McMaster Elliot-Cordoba Alejandra
McMaster Kappel Coralea
McMaster Oughtred Erin
McMaster Ranchagoda Kavith
McMaster Guyatt Michael
McMaster Dessureault Nicolas
McMaster Maloney Patrick
McMaster Coons Sam
Ontario Tech Williams Cory
Ontario Tech Holinaty Keaton
Ontario Tech McMullin Noah
Ottawa Coyle Aiden
Ottawa Thompson Ashley
Ottawa Coyle Jared
Ottawa Deveau Mackenzie
Ottawa MacMillan Madeline
Ottawa Workun Nick
Ottawa Berrada Othmane
Ottawa Jackson Rachel
Ottawa Grainger Spencer
Queen's MacDuff Ally
Queen's Proderick Alyssa
Queen's Stewart John
Queen's von Schalburg Michael
Queen's Pacione Nick
Queen's Demaine Rachel
Queen's McHenry Will
Queen's Greifenberger Zachary
Ryerson Nunez Adam
Ryerson Tapelanas David
Ryerson Engleman Grayson
Ryerson McRae Matthew
Ryerson Carson Zach
Toronto Chun Adele
Toronto Cuming Brooke
Toronto Lau Grant
Toronto Sawai Kazuma
Toronto Urban Lucy
Toronto Kjeldsen Mathias
Toronto Zhang Richard
Toronto Cumby Sara
Toronto Gu Vick
Trent Stalteri Josh
Waterloo Yoshida Hana
Waterloo Sonu Nara
Waterloo Purdie Riley
Waterloo Johnson Trisa
Waterloo Burt Zach
Western Zhang Catherine
Western Won Cindy
Western Kelly Ewan
Western McKay Lexie
Western Grogan Rylie
Wilfrid Laurier Gaudet Conor
Wilfrid Laurier Elsey Jamie
Wilfrid Laurier Cramton Jonathan
Wilfrid Laurier Crupi Julian
Wilfrid Laurier Bevan Lauren
Wilfrid Laurier Enriquez Marcus
Wilfrid Laurier Deven Matt
Wilfrid Laurier Zulian Sam
Wilfrid Laurier Dalal Shreya
Windsor Friesen Austin
Windsor Henniger Chris
Windsor Prieur Hannah
Windsor Smith Jarrod
Windsor Fremlin Kennedy
Windsor Demarco Laura
Windsor Tanovich Nicholas
Windsor Cote Rachel
Windsor Demarco Thomas
York McLaughlin Tyler